Thursday, November 7, 2013


So I realized today that my job isn't something that's going to be over in a couple of months. It's something that probably will last for a few more years.

That's a depressing thought. I think I'm going to marry for money. Or at least marry young so the years in which I have to work are greatly reduced.

Also, NaNoWriMo is hard. I've known this before but I always forget before November.

Remind me next year.

NaNo word sprints on Twitter will be my savior. They're the only reason I have a word count at all. Thank you Twitter.

Word count: Somewhere around 4,500. I can do better. I know.

Books currently reading: The Unlikely Debut of Ellie Sweet

2K to 10K by Rachel Aaron

Currently watching: Les Miserables. Poor Jean Val Jean. :(

Friday, November 1, 2013

It's here! In which I cannot contain my excitement for NaNoWriMo

IT'S HERE!!!! NaNoWriMo is finally upon us blogglings!!! In case you were wondering, it's one thirty in the morning here. I've already been hard at work for NaNo and also have been doing some hardcore thinking into my non-writerly life. Pretty impressive I must say!

To start NaNo I wrote 970 words in 45 minutes. I was pretty shocked. Of course, as most NaNoWriMo novels, it's First draft-y. If you know what I mean. But that's alright! That's how it's supposed to be!

If I had my way, I'd be staying up all night tonight going at my novel with a vigor virtually unparalleled. Unfortunately, I have work tomorrow. So I should probably get some sleep. I also have a massive cold. Possibly a fever. It's hard to tell, but it's even harder to focus on writing. Which is highly unfortunate.
There's also something I like to call The Pit of Despair (A.K.A. the internet) that keeps me from writing. Even on day one. Oh this shall be a fun month blogglings.

So I just wanted to let you know that my blog posts may get fewer and fewer as the month goes along. Or they could get more frequent if I'm writing them as an excuse to NOT work on my NaNo novel. I'm not really sure, and for that I'm sorry.

"I'm so, so sorry."

Anyway! Happy November everyone!! Good luck on your novels if you happen to be participating!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

NaNoWriMo Approaches

November is coming everyone! You know what that means right?? NaNoWriMo!! AHHH! IT'S COMINGIT'SCOMING!!


I will pause my freaking out to give you an inkling of what this grand adventure is. In a nutshell, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing (writers? I never know which) Month. It occurs in November when thousands of people take on the challenge of writing an entire 50,000 word novel in only 30 days. Impossible you say? Not even a little bit.

It's a blast and I would encourage everyone to try it at least once. Writer or not, you can learn a lot by undertaking such a feat.

But it IS quite difficult. This will be my third year doing it and honestly, I'm not very good at it. I've "won" on the Young Writer's website but my goal was only 20,000. I blame my lack of laptop but that's another story.

Also, the only novel I ever worked on during November was To Save the Lost. (Which still isn't done yet. *pounds head into wall*)

But this year is going to be different! I've thought up and *mostly* plotted my novel and I'm super excited for it! It's going to be a blast having a new novel to work on!

I've learned a lot about prepping for NaNo from reading lots of blogs and also from doing it myself.

Below are my favorite ways to prep for NaNo mixed in with some practical things that may not be my favorite. I'm by no means an expert, keep in mind. These are just ways I've succeeded in the past. They may not work for everyone so please don't smother me in my sleep if something doesn't work for you.

Regarding your novel:

1. You need an idea. You cant write a novel without one can you?

2. Characters. Along with an idea you need some strong characters to put in your story. Try writing out what their stakes are in the story. What are their roles in the MC's life? What's their favorite type of fast food? (Important questions, you know?)

3. Setting. Where are your dear charries to live?

4. Plot. By now I have you bored. Chances are you're thinking, "well duh. All this stuff is obvious. Of course I have a plot." But do you really? Sometimes what we have is an idea or something the character needs, but not a plot. Not having a plot can lead to some problems later that you probably don't want to deal with.

5. Outline. Now, you may be a pantser. That's fine, you can skip this part if you wish. But having at least an idea of where your novel is going can be very helpful for that point in the middle of the month when you've hit a wall. I've used little to no outline in the past and I ALWAYS get stuck somewhere around November 15th. So this year I'm trying a new method. The snowflake method to be exact. It's extensive but I think it's going to be invaluable.

So now you know all you can know about your novel without actually writing it. How are you actually gonna make it through November?

Regarding your survival:

1. Make sure your friends and family know why you're going to disappear for a month. They could get quite disappointed in you if you just vanish without a trace.

2. Word wars. These are magical. I love word wars. In the past I've only ever done them with my sisters. So I can't tell you how to actually do them online. But they're super valuable for finishing word quotas.

3. Write or die. I love this site. SO. MUCH! It's absolutely priceless when you need an extra push. Use it often!

4. Sleep. This is super important. People don't realize how burned out they can get with little to no sleep. They go into November with the idea of: "Sleep is for the weak!" But in all reality, without sleep, your creative muscles are going to curl up and die. So get lots of sleep. (You can pull all-nighters on occasion. Just not every day.)

5. Decent meals. Fuel up! And not just on coffee and chocolate. A good meal can keep you refreshed. 

6. Strategy. Go into NaNo with a strategy. Some way to say: "This is how I'm going to win." (And then follow the strategy.) Mine this year is Reverse NaNoWriMo. I'm pretty excited about it!

So there you are! My tips for NaNoWriMo prep! Stick around and you'll get to see my NaNoWriMo survival kit and how to construct your own!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Every Good Word and Being YOU

Recently I had the oppurtunity to write a guest post for one of my favorite blogs, Every Good Word. It's a fabulous blog about writing and the struggles and lessons that go with it. It's run by an amazing girl and there's always good advice or inspiration waiting when I visit.

You should all go check it out! I promise you won't be disappointed! (If you are disappointed you have my full permission to throw a fit. Just do it privately. Maybe in a closet? Yes. That'll do nicely! Have fun!)

Today my post went up and I must say, I'm pretty thrilled! There's just something so exciting about seeing your work somewhere else in the big, wide blogosphere don't you think?

I'm even going to give you a handy dandy link to it! No need to thank me. Unless you are thanking me with chocolate. I will accept chocolate any day.

In one of the comments a very wise girl (named Ashley Tahg if you wondered) said in regards to wanting to be the next Tolkien, "I only have to be the next me."

I think that's simple but incredibly profound, don't you?

So remember, you can't be just like Tolkien or Rowling. Not Hale or Morrill. You can't even be just like Riordan or Flanagan. But you can be just like you. And that's the most important thing you can be. As a person AND a writer.

Friday, October 25, 2013

A Lesson I Need To Learn

Okay so I apparently lied about the posts to come. I am so so sorry I've been inconsistent. I wanted to blog but something always got in the way or the last thing I wanted to think about was books. Which is super weird for me...I'm going to have to come up with a new way of running this blog. Yippee.

But anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk about. I want to talk about something God has been teaching me recently.

Today was really rough for me. Really, all week has been pretty bad. You see, I got a job at a retail store 3ish weeks ago and try as I might, I'm not really liking it.

I thought I would love being in a new atmosphere and having something to do and more importantly-to have my own money! (So many books I could buy!)

But so far, there's only a couple people I have really connected with (I'm the only teen so far) and I haven't quite found the groove of actually knowing what I'm doing.

But the thing that bothers me most is how little time I've had for anything else. My friends have all been getting together and I've been stuck at work. Which sucks. I'm used to being able to go to every get together, every missions trip, and every impromptu party.

It's really hard for me to cope with that. The last three times I've gone in to work, I've had to deal with major disappointments because of scheduling. (And of course being the sensitive, ridiculous teenage girl that I am, I've come home and sobbed about it.)

But what I realized tonight was, maybe God is trying to tell me something. I mean, duh! Wake up girl!

I was reminded of this summer when I noticed how much of an idol friends are in my life. I prayed so hard that my friends would never be taken from me for any reason.Thinking back, maybe that was wrong.

And now I'm starting to realize, maybe this job is God's way of weening me off them. I still need friends of course but I rely on them quite a bit. Maybe too much.

And I think that's what God is saying. "Beth, take a breather. Re-evaluate."

So that's where I am. I don't like it one little bit but that's life. I'm going to have to really focus on God and his strength while I have this job. Cause it's not going to be easy.

Conclusion? I have a long way to go. But realizing how much I've been idolizing things in my life is the first step to fixing the problem. And that's how I'm going to take it. In steps.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Things I Hate

I've had a lot of frustrations in my life recently. It's hard to stay positive through it all but I know I have to. However. I'm going to interrupt the regularly scheduled book/writerly posts with a rant.

1. The common cold. So. Annoying! I can't do anything normal. I hate it.

2. Neck pain. It makes life so so so hard.

3. Having a job. Sure I like money and being more independent but the scheduling is a pain. I'm super frustrated with it and it's only my second week of work. Frustrating.

4. Being confused. When people have no idea what they're talking about but say it anyway and everybody says something's hard to do anything.

I need to move past this stuff but it's gonna be hard. Pray for me blogglings!

What frustrates you guys?

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Return

Blogglings, I'm back!

I am so sad to have been away from you for so long. But to be honest, I haven't had much of a reason NOT to write.

I've been busy, sure. I just got a new job, I'm helping with some more ministry opportunities, I have to feed my book cravings, and I am newly addicted to Supernatural. (I'm in season two I believe. This show is epic! So scary though!)

Even though I've had loads of time to write, I never have. I'm not sure why. Maybe a slight rebelling against work is behind it. Anything I don't have to do, I don't do it. It's a disease. I'm stuck in a rut of not wanting to do anything.

Has this ever happened to you? An ever DEcreasing desire to do the things you once loved? It's happened to me before but I never usually go back to the project. I'm rather surprised to have come back to blogging actually.

Whatever the reason, I'm back! And I hope to be back for good. Coming up here on RaP (ha! My blog acronym is rap! Never noticed that before!) will be some posts on two of my all time favorite book authors: Shannon Hale and Rick Riordan!

There will be musings, lists, character analysis, pictures, and things to learn from these fabulous authors. I do hope you'll stick around!

If you haven't already, consider subscribing so you don't miss any of the amazing posts coming up!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I adore music. Any kind (almost) and any band. The thing with music is it is passion. When you're listening to music, you're getting a glimpse into another person's thoughts, into how they feel. It's absolutely beautiful.

I listen to a lot of music. I go a little crazy if I have to live without music, you know? Usually my playlists have a little of eveything. Adele, Carrie Underwood, Tobymac, Taylor Swift,  For King and Country, Shonlock.

But recently, I've listened to a lot of different songs. Not meaning variety but unique.


Wake up/ Kill Your Heroes/ Soul Wars/ Sail by Awolnation. (They may not be for everyone but I love these songs.)

Fire and Fury/ My Religion/ Circus for a Psycho/ Sick of It by Skillet. (Go listen to them! They are awesome!)

So you see, my music tastes have been different recently. I don't know why but I rather like it.

What are your favorite bands and songs? 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Sunday Quote

This is one of my absolute favorite quotes by the Doctor! It's kinda self explanatory. So I'll just leave you with it. :)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lord of the Rings Quotes

Tolkien week is coming to a close! We've looked at some things Tolkien but not my favorite of all favorite things.

What's my favorite? Quotes of course!

I am constantly quoting LotR and anything else that hapoens to have a good line. I'm quite good at quote games actually!

So what do you say to a quote game?
I'll start and you can comment with a quote and we'll see how far we can take it!

"Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!"

Your turn!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Lord of the Rings Prompt

Since today is Thursday and I've been failing at the prompts I post, (That's right. I never finished last week's. I'm a failure.) we're going to do something a little bit different.

This time, I'll just show a picture and you can write whatever you want about it. Story, description, emotion. Whatever you like. Write for 10 minutes and post the piece in the comments. And I WILL do it this time!

Since it's Tolkien week, the picture is from Lord of the Rings.

Feel free to share this post with others! The more the merrier!

When you've posted your piece, take a look at some others! What do you like about them? What don't you like as much? Tell the author about it. Feedback is always appreciated!

Okay! For the picture!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tolkien's Genius

source: pinterest
Can we talk a little bit about Tolkien's genius?

This man did so many amazing things in his lifetime. As a reader and a writer, I can't begin to appreciate his works enough. I can't imagine doing half his work with even half his skill and mastery.

What all did his genius entail? Let's make a list.

1. He wrote an entire language. Can we just pause to think about that? He wrote. An entire. Language. Uh, that's crazy cool. Just sayin.

2. His mastery of words was beautiful. No one could describe or sound the way he did. He could paint such spendor and elegance into his words.

3. John Ronald Reuhl Tolkien. I mean, he didn't have much to do with naming himself but that's quite the name!

4. He invented hobbits. And hobbits really are amazing creatures. Somehow I can imagine Tolkien as he was writing the books, thinking something along the lines of what Gandalf said. "You can learn all there is to know about them in a month, and yet in a hundred years, they can still surprise you."

5. He could write the most amazing characters. They all had such depth, such emotion. No other characters can jump off the page and seem so concrete to me. Even the ones I don't like, they all have a certain depth that fascinates me. It's beautiful.

6. And lastly, what I really wanted to talk about, Tolkien was a master of poetry. I love poetry. It just makes my heart want to sing.

These three poems are my favorites. (Sorry if there's weird formatting.)

Gandalf is mumbling this song when Frodo first talks to him in the Fellowship of the Ring movie. I think Bilbo wrote it in the book. (I clearly need to read them again.)

"The Road goes ever on and on
  Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
   And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
   Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
   And whither then? I cannot say."

This poem was a message the lady Galadriel sent through Gandalf to Legolas in the Two Towers(?) book.

"Legolas Greenleaf long under tree
    In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea!
    If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore,
    Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more."

It came true too. Legolas couldn't rest until he could sail away to the undying lands. But he took Gimli too, don't worry.

This one was a walking song Pippin sang before they had even left the Shire in the Fellowship of the Ring book. Sadly, only a portion was put into the movies. Happily, it was well done in the movies. I'm conflicted, it's okay.

"Upon the hearth the fire is red,
Beneath the roof there is a bed;
But not yet weary are our feet,
Still round the corner we may meet
A sudden tree or standing stone
That none have seen but we alone.

  Tree and flower and leaf and grass,
   Let them pass! Let them pass!
   Hill and water under sky,
   Pass them by! Pass them by!

Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate,
And though we pass them by today,
Tomorrow we may come this way
And take the hidden paths that run
Towards the Moon or to the Sun.
   Apple, thorn, and nut and sloe,
   Let them go! Let them go!
   Sand and stone and pool and dell,
   Fare you well! Fare you well!

Home is behind, the world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.
Then world behind and home ahead,
We'll wander back to home and bed.

   Mist and twilight, cloud and shade,
   Away shall fade! Away shall fade!
   Fire and lamp, and meat and bread,
   And then to bed! And then to bed!"

What's your favorite thing about Tolkien? Do you have a favorite poem of his? Fun facts regarding his genius? Do share!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What I've Learned From Tolkien

Tolkien has been a huge part of my life for a long time. When I was little, my dad read me the books, starting with the Hobbit. 

My sister and I fell in love with the books. We talked about them, begged dad to read them when he was tired, and altogether fell in love with them. 

After the books, we watched the movies. And that was my new obsession. I loved the imagery, the music, the characters. Everything about it made the world brighter to me. 

It got so I could quote them to a T. I wanted to learn more about the actors and how the movies were made. We bought the extended editions and I devoured them. 

And all the while, I believe Tolkien was teaching me valuable lessons. 

This is a list of some of the things Tolkien has taught me. I hope he's inspired and taught you as much as he has me.

1. There is beauty in the simple things of life. In good tilled earth, being with friends, second breakfast. Life's too short to speed past these things. 

2. No matter what, there is always hope. No matter how many obstacles you have to face, you can always believe in hope and in God. 

3. There can be humor in even the bleakest situations. Learn to laugh a little. 

4. There is nothing quite so exciting as traveling. Of being in a strange place that can make you feel so insignificant and so important all at the same time. 

5. Music feeds the soul. You can always enjoy good music. Even if you "have no songs for great halls or evil times". 

6. Friendship trumps all barriers. If you have a friend you can count on to have your back, you have almost everything. 

7. Something evil would probably "look fairer and feel fouler." 

8. The world is so much more vast and mysterious and exciting than I could have ever guessed. There's always something new to see and do. 

9. And lastly, when you're hungry, it rains apples. ;) 

What has Tolkien taught you through his stories?  How has he impacted your life? 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lord of the Rings Meme

I'm participating in a blog party at The Ede of the Precipice to celebrate Tolkien week. This meme is a link up. Check out the original post here:

So sorry this post is so late today. (Midnight! Ack!) My day filled up with so many things I could barely think! But I'm writing it now at least! 

1. Have you read The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit? If so, how many times?

I've read the books a few times. I don't know exactly how many. I've read the hobbit more often than the others though. 

2. Have you seen any movies based on them?

All of them. More times than I can even count. I could probably hold whole conversations with just quotes from them. 

3. Who first introduced you to Middle Earth?

My dad read me the books when I was maybe...10? It was a while ago at least. 

4. Who are your three favorite characters? (Feel free to elaborate on whys.)

Oh man...ummm...hard to pick just three!  I adore Aragorn. He's so brave and noble. Sam is absolutely amazing. The greatest example of a friend in hard times. He did so much for Frodo! And...Gimli I guess. He's just funny. Legolas would be my fourth. If, you know, I was allowed to list four. 

5. What's your favorite Middle Earth location?

Either the Shire or Lothlorien. 

6. If you could belong to one of the races of Free Folk (Men, Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, Ents), which would you choose?

Elves because of their grace and beauty or hobbits for their love of simplicity. 

7. Would you rather eat lembas or taters?

Hmmm...lembas. :) 

8. If you lived in Middle Earth, what weapon would you prefer wielding?

A bow and arrows! I've always wanted to be an archerer! 

9. What draws you to Tolkien's stories? (The characters, the quests, the themes, the worlds, etc.)

I love the characters and the fierce struggle between good and evil. It's so deep and thought-provoking

10. List up to five of your favorite lines/quotes from the books or movies.

"I do not believe this darkness will endure."

"Please Mr. Gandalf sir. Don't 'urt me. Don't turn me into anythin'...unnatural." 

"Smeagol will staaaaaaaarve!!" 

"That still only counts as one!" 

"It's the deep breath before the plunge." 

I could go on but it says up to five so I should stop. But there's so many more that deserve the spotlight! 

What are your favorite things about LotR? (Characters, themes, races, weapons, etc.) Let's talk about them in the comments! 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Concerning Hobbits

Guess what today is?? It's Hobbit Day! It's a day to celebrate Hobbits! Best holiday ever if you ask me! You can go barefoot all day, dress like a hobbit, do LOTR movie marathons, eat seven meals, whatever you like to do to honor Tolkiens creations. (Some people go really extreme!)

I haven't done much for it sad to report. I was with friends all weekend so I got distracted and forgot. But im going to go barefoot the rest of the day and watch at least one of the movies! I get REALLY nerdy when it comes to anything Tolkien so this day is awesome! 

"What is a hobbit though?" A hobbit is a short person with hairy feet.

"They would be small, only children to your eyes." -Aragorn

But there's so much more to them than that.

They're kind. They love good tilled earth and fine ales. Pipeweed is their favorite. Well, actually food might be their REAL favorite.

"They say a hobbits only real passion is for food." -Bilbo Baggins

They enjoy quiet and peace. Adventures seem rather too exciting for them. (Most of them.)

"Before you came along we Baggins' were very well thought of. Never had any adventures or did anything unexpected." -Frodo Baggins

They're sweet and have good, noble hearts. But they can be foolish at times.

"Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" -Gandalf

I love the simplicity of a hobbit life. Sometimes I wish I could have that.

I love so much about hobbits it's hard to list it all.

This week is Tolkien week so we'll be talking a lot about Lord of the Rings and hobbits and things. There's so many fun things we could do! I'm pretty excited about it!

If you would like to guest post sometime this week I can still fit you in! Just e-mail me at rainbowsandpenguinsblog(at)gmail(dot)com with any ideas you have. If you would like to guest post but dont have an idea of what to write, that's fine! I'll help you come up with something!

Have a very happy Hobbit Day!

What's your favorite thing about hobbits? Are you doing anything to celebrate hobbit day?

Friday, September 20, 2013

When You Don't Feel Like Writing (Part 2)

Remember in my last post how I talked about sometimes needing a break from your writing?

Well, there's a flip side to that.

That's just the easy way out. There might be something else you need to do. And I know you aren't going to like it. Sorry to disappoint you.


When you don't feel like writing, it could just be procrastination or a lack of interest in your WIP. In which case, you probably just need to sit yourself in that chair and write.

But if you find the words aren't coming to you, try to get excited about your WIP. Plan the next scene in detail, make a pinterest board for your novel or character (as long as this isn't eating up writing time), try to become your MC and live the scene. I find sometimes, just thinking about my WIP can get me more in the mood to write. Especially if I think about why I did it in the first place. And why I want to finish it.

If that still doesn't work, sit down at your computer and just write whatever comes into your head. If it's about your cat, write it. Do you need oreos? Write that too. Just getting your fingers moving might be the spark to get your creativity and excitement going again.

A lot of the time, reading other's work is all I need. It makes me remember why I want to write and why I love it. Even if it's just a blog post, it could be your flash of inspiration. 

But how do you tell the difference between procrastination and a need for relaxation? I don't know. I haven't found a sure-fire way yet.

Usually, if you find yourself just lazing about, wanting to watch tv constantly or wasting hours on pinterest, you probably need to write.

But if you've been writing a LOT and you really cannot look at your manuscript again. A good novel or movie might be in order.

It's hard to tell, and sometimes you guess wrong. But you were actively trying to complete your novel. That's what's important.

Being stuck and not wanting to write can be a terrible thing. But if you treat it right, it can actually help you. It can make you just sit and write. No matter what ridiculous words find themselves on the page, you have written something. And that in itself is something to be proud of.

Many people don't even try. So bravo if you find yourself stuck! Because that means, you're at least trying. And that is the difference. 

Moral of the story?


Have you found yourself in this situation before? What are some ways you have found to get excited about your WIP?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

When You Don't Feel Like Writing (Part 1)

"Writers block. No desire to write. Feeling like a time bomb. Need to get away." I sit shaking on my bed. Curled into a ball. I can't think about writing.  I need to get away. But what will my characters do without me? I brush away my exhaustion and pull my notebook toward me once more. I know something's wrong the moment I do. I begin to heat up. I shake uncontrollably and I realize what's happening. "I'm going to explode." I stutter. I widen my eyes in fear, and then, nothing.

This is me today. And I know you've felt this way too. We've all had those days. Days when we would much rather watch that new episode of Psych or Warehouse 13 (My personal favorites) rather than write. 

Maybe you'd rather play the Legend of Zelda or the Sims. 

Maybe for you it's reading that book you've been meaning to read for months or reading every post in the archive of your new favorite blog. (I've wasted hours doing just that.)

So what do you do when this happens?

You really wanna know? 

I say...just do them. Yeup. You heard me. 

Go watch that episode. Read the book. Play Zelda. Poor Link so desperately needs to be a Hylian again. He's sick of wolf form. 

I'm serious. If you feel you just need a break, chances are you do! 

You're creativity needs to be open to new things. 

It needs to take a walk, eat some ice cream, read new materials, get some fresh ideas, and soak in some more inspiration. 

It's impossible to just sit down and write for days. (Plus sleeping a couple hours.) 

You need adequate sleep, fresh air, new information. You're brain needs to be free. Because if it's not, you're work will gradually become worse and worse. 

You'll wonder, what's happening? Why can't I write as well as I used to? Why don't I want to write anymore?

Simple. You're killing your creativity. It's being suffocated. 

So to avoid that, I suggest doing something you enjoy. It might be just what you need to enjoy writing again. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Amazing Giveaway!

Hello there Blogglings!

So, I have fabulous news! There's a giveaway going on at Rachel Coker's website! It's quite a fantastic giveaway too. I mean, any giveaway is bound to be exciting but this one just about tops giveaways in general. (If you ask me.) For her eighteenth birthday, she's giving away EIGHTEEN books!

It's quite exciting! When I saw it, my book-loving heart just about stopped. I mean, literally almost stopped.

If you don't know who Rachel Coker is, (I didn't until I heard of the giveaway) she's a teen writer who has already published several books. Two of which are part of the giveaway! Signed and everything! It's quite exciting.

So go and enter! Spread the word!

Kirk out.

My Never-ending "To-Read" Pile

First off, so sorry this post took so long to get here today. I was with a friend all afternoon and didn't have time to do it earlier. 

(My picture is not the greatest but the lighting is terrible today. Sorry!)

As a reader, there's always new books. There's always something I desperately want to read. About a month ago, I was in a reading slump. I didnt want to read, I really didnt want to do much of anything. 

But then, one epic book at a time, I started to get back in a groove. I read Cinder and The Clocks. Ruby Red and Divergent. I've come back. 

And now my "to read" pile is growing at an enormous rate. Here's what books are on it as of now. 

-Sapphire Blue By Kirsten Gier. The sequel to Ruby Red! Ahh! More Gideon! 

-Insurgent by Veronica Roth.  A sequel to Divergent. As these types of books go, there's a lot of death in my future. And I'm not too happy about it. The first page almost killed me. Seriously. 

-The Fault in Our Stars By John Greene. I must be a glutton for punishment. So many people say, be prepared to cry. Im excited for the book, but scared out of my mind as well. 

-Glass Girl. I read the first few chapters of this book in an ebook comprised of YA excerpts. I fell in love and just had to buy it. It made me cry in just that little bit of time. So many sad books! 

-Gone. One of my best friends suggested this book. At first I was weary, but now, I deeply regret not buying the five dollar copy at Barnes and Noble. I really really want to read it now. Why is that always how it works? 

-The Moonstone. I've heard Wilkie Collins was the best mystery writer to have ever lived. So now of course I have to read his book and test that. ;P 

-Julie by Catherine Marshall. I loved Christy so I'm pretty pumped About this one!! 

What's on your "to read" list? Do you know of any books I should add to mine? 

Monday, September 16, 2013

My Letter To The World

Today I'm participating in the Open Letter Challenge writing contest organized by Josh Irby. The letter I wrote is a response to An Open Letter to You from the Rest of the World. Go check out his site and the contest! It's pretty cool! :)

Dear World,

I just read your letter. You know, it really made me think. Maybe I can be different, maybe I can make a difference. Maybe that could be me! My mind raced with all the possibilities!

But almost as soon as those thoughts, these dreams and hopes arise, they get struck down again. Fear, negativity, doubt. All these things crowd me to the point where I just want to scream and bust out of the prison cell that is my mind.

You say don't listen to the naysayers, but how is that possible, when the naysayers are me? They're inside me. Crawling, biting and tearing me down. Just so they can get out. Sometimes, I can't even decifer the naysayers from myself. I can't even tell what I really think because I'm so confused and blinded by the negative thoughts. 

I want to be someone. I want to be the person who people look at and say, "She was amazing!" But it's not likely. Oh there it is again. Another of those naysayers rearing it's ugly head.

But it's wrong.  I know it is. I can feel that it is. Maybe I do just need to raise my chin a little higher and press on. Keep going. Ignore the naysayers. Ignore the "not good enough" thoughts. The, "you can't do it's" and the "nobody believes in you"'s.

It won't be easy. I know it won't.  They'll get so much stronger when they realize they're being evicted. They'll fight. I know. And I'm okay with that now. I can beat them. I can.

I will keep pressing forward. I will do what I love because I love it. I will tell my story. I will make a difference. And someday you'll see, I was stronger than I thought. All I needed was a push.

So thank you, World. For that much needed push. I owe you one.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Sunday Quote and Fabulous News

Today's quote is from J.R.R. Tolkien. And there is a specific reason for that. I will explain in a moment.

“The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places.
But still there is much that is fair. And though in all lands, love is now
mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps, the greater." J.R.R. Tolkien

 Okay, let me there is too much. I will sum up.

The reason I picked a quote from this particular man is that a week from today, next sunday, is Hobbit Day! And the week that follows, Tolkien Week! I'm pretty excited! (I have been a LOTR nerd for pretty much my whole life and so this is pretty much the best thing ever!!)

Here at Rainbows and Penguins, we're going to be having a hobbit worthy party!

To start off the week... well, I won't spoil it. ;) But suffice to say, it's going to be fabulous!

There's going to be posts about hobbits, food, movie vs. Books, and some more things I cannot spoil.

So prepare yourselves, it's coming!

Note: If you would like to be a guest poster here next week, just shoot me an e-mail and I'll see if I can fit you in! Anything about LOTR will do. My e-mail address is rainbowsandpenguinsblog(at)gmail (dot)com!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Divergent (A Book Review)

Ah Divergent. I read this book all in one sitting.  I was up until 2 am and ended up doing a lot more crying than I thought. I may not have full on sobbed, but inside I was being torn to shreds.

Toward the middle of the book, it was at a really intense part. I was on edge, it was late, when out of nowhere, a earsplitting clap of thunder sounded. I jumped nearly out of bed and just kind of sat there. Staring at my window. One of my friends says that usually means my house was struck by lightning. Whatever it was, it scared me to death. Reading is a hazardous activity.

Back to the actual book, I loved the characters.  I loved the setting. I related well with Tris. It was fabulous. I was immediately pulled in. The voice is so clear and easy to read and I connected with Tris almost immediately. It's rare that a character's voice sounds so much like myself. I kept seeing myself in her thoughts, which usually just means the author is good at making relatable characters. But for this, it seemed more than that. And it scares me, because some of the things she did later, I don't agree with. But she didn't at the beginning either. It makes me wonder what I would do in a situation like hers.

My favorite part of the book was the fact that it gave you clues of things and it wasn't impossible to figure stuff out. Example: Agatha Christie, while I adore her, it's pretty much impossible to figure stuff in those books out. But in Divergent, I could predict things a little bit before they happened. And I LOVE that. But it wasn't entirely predictable and boring.

The theme was really good as well. At the end, one of the characters said something that to me just SCREAMED biblical worldview. And God had been mentioned a few times but I honestly thought it was just for Tris's character. So on the last page, I just knew Ms. Roth had to be a christian. And sure enough, I flipped the page to the acknowledgements and God is number 1. I was so happy! :)

And let me just say, the five different groups, So. Awesome! I wouldn't have been able to come up with something that logical. I mean, the five factions make sense. It's crazy how much I could see that actually happening. It wouldn't work. But I could see it happening.

Overall, I loved it. Twists,  stunning characters,  good dialogue. It's a phenomenal dystopian book and I highly recommend it! Five stars!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Free Writing (Prompt)

Have you ever heard of free writing? I hadn't until this year. I must say, it's quite the concept.

The jist of free writing is to just take about ten minutes and write. Don't think or plan, just write whatever comes to your mind.

The idea is that if you're stuck, it can help get your creative juices flowing. Or even if you aren't stuck, it can help you see something from a different point of view. And maybe if you get stuck later on in some of your writing, you can just read some of your free writing and find ideas in it.

When I do it, it's so much more than that. It let's me take all my emotions, negative or not, and put them somewhere they can't bother me anymore. They're gone. They don't tie me down. That's a lot of the reason I do it. If I'm upset or down on myself, I free write and I feel infinitely better.

I love it. It's freeing to just sit down and bleed my thoughts onto paper. So that's what today's prompt is. (I haven't done a Thursday prompt in a while. Im sorry about that.)


-Free write for ten minutes. Just bleed onto the page (or screen) and see what happens.

-Read through your writing and see if it sparks any ideas. If it does, awesome! If not, no worries. Just file it away for future use!

-If you feel comfortable sharing, post your writing in the comments! (I sometimes end up writing some personal stuff. That's why I add that.)

-Pass this prompt along to a friend. Tweet it, share it on facebook, e-mail it. The more the merrier!

Some people say it's better to write on paper because it accesses parts of the brain that don't get used when typing.  Whether they're right or not, I like doing it on paper. But you can do it however you want!

I'm off to free write! See you in the comments! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things

Oh blogglings, how I love the little things in life! It doesn't take much to please me. So today, (because yesterday was a bit of a...disappointment on the happy level) I want to tell you about a few of my favorite things. *Que Julie Andrews*

1. Number one is the reason I had the idea for this post. My sister went to the library and came home with a book I've been dying to read. DIVERGENT! I know this book has tons of fans so I am so excited to join them! But the thing that makes me most happy is holding a new book in my hands. The thickness, the new worlds yet to be explored, the characters I may fall in love with. It just makes me so happy. :)

2. Music. I've been one a huge "different" music kick. I've been listening to a lot of music that has a totally different sound than my usual. Awolnation, switchfoot, that type. It's kinda awesome.

3. I just love pickles. Their taste is just epic. I suspect the vinegar. Which sounds crazy now that I say it...most people don't like vinegar...I must be quite a bit more different than I thought...anywho. *clears throat*

4. Penguins. They're so cute and awesome. :)

5. Blogs. I adore blogs and blogging. It's so fun to connect with people this way. It's refreshing to me. I don't ever want to stop.

6. French fries. Especially from McDonalds and B-Bops. Yum! (I haven't eaten at all today so really,  any food would probably taste good to me. But especially french fries.)

7. Being alone. I'm an introvert through and through.  I've mentioned that to my friends and they all get really confused. Almost all of them said they don't see me as an introvert at all. But I assure you. I crave solitude more than anything sometimes. I could be a hermit! I wonder if it would pay very well?

8. Rereading books. There's not much better than visiting an old friend. And that's always how it feels to reread a book I love.

9. Smiles. When people smile, really smile, I feel like I'm getting a glimpse into their soul. Especially if there's eye contact as well. It's simply stunning.

10. Rasberry tea. My friend and I are obsessed with tea. If we go out to eat with our friends, they know Joe and Beth will order some kind of tea. Most likely with no ice. It's pretty fun. :)

11. History. Im a sucker for history. History books, documentaries, pictures. I just adore learning about people long past. It's quite beautiful.

12. Sparkles. I can't help it. If it's shiny, lit up, colorful, or sparkly, I can't help but grin. A little bit of my A.D.D. side showing I guess.

13. Words. The way they roll off your tongue.  The way they sound, the way they look, the way they cut you to the core of your being or make you feel like you could sprout wings and fly. Poetry, prose, music. Whatever it is, it's absolutely stunning.

14. Pinterest. Yeup. I addicted. But usually, it doesn't feel like a bad thing. I just love it.

What are your favorite things? I would love to hear them! But instead of just commenting them, you could make your own blog post listing them, then comment here with the link!  (You could just comment them, but where's the fun in that? ;) I can't wait to see what you all say!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Oh Sequels, I Love Thee!

I love sequels. They are so much much, don't you think? You get to revisit the setting and charries you love. This week's link up by the Book Chewers is all about sequels! Be sure to go check it out and add your own post!
(We'll see if the button works right this time.)

<div class="The-Book-Chewers-button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="The Book Chewers" width="200" height="200kg" /> </a> </div>

1. Best sequel you've ever read?
Oh man...I don't know if this is really the best or the first one that popped into my head (thank you Claudia Donovan...) but The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan was really good!
2. Worst sequel you've ever read?
Inkdeath. Ick. It disgusted me the whole time. I loved Inkheart and so when the sequels didn't shine...I was sad.
3. Sequel that outshone the first book?
Hmmm...Catching Fire. I love that book so much!
4. Do you often read sequels or do you read the first book and move on?
I try to read sequels a lot but my library does this annoying thing where they get the first book in a series and forget the rest. Annoying I must say.
5. What's a sequel that really surprised you (in a good or bad way)? Why?
Catching Fire. "What?? She has to go back?? Epical!"
6. What's the last sequel you read? (Briefly, what did you think of it?)
I honestly don't remember...I'm pretty much Dory just so you all know. ;)
7. What are 3 sequels you're planning to read (eventually...)?
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer, Sapphire Blue by Kirsten Gier, and...the sequel to Princess Academy that I can't remember the name of.
8. What's the first sequel you see when you look at your bookshelf?
Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery.
9. Best sequel cover!?
Enna Burning by Shannon Hale. I love the covers on her books.
10. What book(s) do you think desperately need a sequel...but don't have one?
The Book of a Thousand Days. Oh I love that book. :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Sunday Quote

Today's quote isn't exactly famous. But I've been thinking a lot about it recently.

"In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter all that much."

My uncle Dave (who I never met) used to say this all the time. My dad reminds me of this if I get upset about something silly.

So I thought I'd share it with you! :)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Saturday In Prose

As I was reading my email, the The Write Practice had a post about writing what you've lived. Experiencing things and not just writing "he replied angrily", but rather explain how he looked and acted that made him angry.

After reading that, I thought, well I think I'll try it. So here is half my Saturday in prose.

"The day began in not the way you would think. Early this morning around two o'clock, I was still reading my latest Agatha Christie. Finally, I finished and dozed off, only to find myself wakened by a blaring noise in my ear. Of course my alarm would go off the day I don't want it to. The thing was faulty and seemed to know exactly when I didn't want it. I turned it off and promptly rolled over. Half an hour later, my mom popped her head into my room to give me the details of the day, most of which I didn't process anyway. I knew what time we had to leave and that was all that mattered.

By rights I should have gotten up then. But the late night had left me tired and unwilling to proceed with normal life. I lay in bed for as long as I felt was safe and finally, with only twenty minutes left before my deadline, I rolled out of bed.

It took me only 15 minutes to get completely ready. I was quite proud of that time. I can't help but laugh at the barbie doll girls that find it necessary to spend hours in front of a mirror. It's possible to get so much more sleep my way.

We leave for the softball fields only a few minutes after. My dad, mom, and younger sister all accompany me. Or rather, I'm the one tagging along.

The ride is long and uneventful until my dad suddenly slows down on the highway. I look up from my daydreaming to find out why.
"Looks like Jeremy blew out a tire. Should we go get Carigan?" My dad asks. A man from our town was taking his daughter to the same place. We turn around.

We gave the girl a ride and soon we were at the Softball complex. Now that I was there, I began to question my decision to come.

The air was hot and muggy. Time seemed to stand still, hours past. Finally, the first game was over. Lunch came and went. Getting tired of the heat, my dad decided to run the AC in the car. It was heavenly. The air was cool and brisk and I wanted to stay there forever. Alas, there was yet another softball game. I reluctanly left the cool of the van.

I made my way to the concession stand with the thought of a giant pickle occupying my mind. Paying the fifty cents eagerly, I walked away. Forgetting for a while the misery of heat. The sour taste filled me with memories of summer and fun days. I couldn't help but smile.

I can still taste the pickle in my mouth. I sit watching the game from the outfield. The air has turned grey and forlorn. The sun is hiding and I find that once again, I have nothing to do but browse the internet on my phone and actually watch my little sister."

I would write more but it's beginning to rain. You just got an unedited version of my day! Hope I didn't bore you! ;)

Over and out!

Friday, September 6, 2013

A Much Needed Push to The Desk

Lately I have found myself needing more inspiration to write. And yes, I am well aware that inspiration is a myth and that really, I just need to sit down and do it. But sometimes I need an extra push. You too? So I guess we both need a push. I've been looking at some writing quotes and I've found some that are soon becoming my favorites. So here it is, a push out the door! ( the desk.)

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
~Les Brown

You don’t have to say everything to say something. ~Beth Moore

No man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it. ~CS Lewis.

Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don’t see any. ~Orson Scott

If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that. ~Stephen King

We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. ~Ernest Hemingway

I am like a little pencil in God’s hand. He does the writing. The pencil has nothing to do with it. ~Mother Teresa

Write something that’s worth fighting over. Because that’s how you change things. That’s how you create art. ~Jeff Goins

Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book! That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever! ~Job 19

The writer is an explorer. Every step is an advance into a new land. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Know that the Creator lives and moves and breathes within you. So those dreams? Risk them. Those words? Write them. Those hopes? Believe them. ~Elora Nicole Ramirez

So maybe now we all feel a little more "inspired" to write. I'd love to hear some of your favorite quotes on writing! Share them in the comments! Feel free to share what you're stuck with in your WIP or whatever's holding you back, I'd love to hear about that too! Maybe forming the problem into words will give you some ideas! :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I Like My Books With Chocolate

Another link up hosted by the lovely Book Chewers! This one is going to be fun!

(Note: the link up button would usually be here but it's not working. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to fix it. :/ Sorry!)

Prompt: How do you like your eggs . . . er, books? Make a list of your usual reading locations, a list of favorite genres (substitute authors if you wish), and a list of reading snacks. When you're done, try combining items from each list. Which combo sounds best to you, right at this moment? You can take this as far as you like and make multiple combinations for all occasions


-In bed. (Wrapped up like a burrito in a blanket.)
-In my chair.
-On the couch in the living room.


-Agatha Christie
-Rick Riordan
-Shannon Hale
-T.A. Barron
-Jane Austen
-Cornelia Funke
-Christopher Paulini
-C.S. Lewis
-J.R.R. Tolkien


-Ice Cream
-Hot chocolate
-Any candy
-Whatever drink sounds good. (I.e. Pop, milk, water, iced tea, koolaid, lemonade.)

What sounds good right now?

T.A. Barron in my chair with grapes. Unfortunately, we have no grapes. :(

When I've just got back from camp or some event that was much awaited, I usually opt for Rick Riordan in bed wrapped up with a drink of some kind.

Or if I'm in a very nostalgic mood, most of the authors would do, with chocolate and usually in a chair or bed.

And that's it! How I like my books. :) Head on over and check out the link up for yourself! The more the merrier!

Friday, August 30, 2013

20 Things I've Learned Watching Doctor Who

It's 6:00am folks. A sure sign that if I'm up, bad things have gone down.
What's wrong? Well...I was watching Doctor Who all afternoon yesterday and now I'm scared to death. I cant sleep because in the time it takes to stop what I'm doing and fall asleep, I'll freak myself out again. Cause I'm that smart. *sigh* (And for all you "early to bed, early to rise"rs, no. I didn't go to sleep until 12:30-1:00.)
Anyway, to occupy my terrified brain, I give you, 20 Things I Learned From Watching Doctor Who.

1. Above all, fear Moffat. He has the power to kill any of your favorite characters. And he probably will. Or he'll think up a fate worse than death. And he'll make sure it's filmed in a way that will rip your heart in two.

2. Wilfred is the best old man of all time.

3. Jackie Tyler is the most annoying fictional character EVER!

4. Don't eat carrots on Mars. Just please... (enter: this ep is the root of my fear. I've got my ears involuntarily trained to detect any noise. Which is why I woke up when my dad went to work. Please help me.)

5. Don't blink. Don't look away, don't turn your back, and whatever you do, don't blink. Good luck.  (Okay, this is probably part of it too.)

6. Sally Sparrow would be an epic companion!

7. Copycats are the freakiest things ever. If you ever start repeating what I say, I'll either a.) Run for my life. Or b.) Slap you and proceed to chew you out. Either way...

8. Allons-y Alonzo! :)

9. The master is kind of awesome. Like, I'm supposed to hate him but...I just can't. Although, him being all insane in the warehouse thing, most disturbing thing ever. Insane people are the scariest.

10. I love Scotland.

11. Cybermen are annoying.

12. Mickey is the stupidest television character of ALL time. Hands down. No contest.

13. I should stop thinking about the Waters of Mars before I literally go insane...

14. Matt Smith is adorable.

15. River. Freaking. Song.

16. Mixing genres is awesome. Dinosaurs on a spaceship? Totally works!

17. More men should wear bowties and converse. :)

18. I forget what I was going to write for this one...

19. I need a guy like Rory. Or maybe like the Doctor. Either one works.

20. "Hi! I'm captain Jack Harkness." *heart melts* 

Note: All the pictures I got from pinterest. I don't know how to make it say that underneath them so I'll say it here!  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Writing Characters Who Are Your Opposites

How DO the bad girls think?

A few days ago, I was stuck on this question. This was my free write from that day:

"I've been stuck on this question for about 45 minutes. Im trying to write a character summary for the bad girl in my new WIP but I can't seem to empathize with her at all.

I'm a homeschooled quiet girl. (Not a "homeschoolER" mind you, just quiet.) So the brain of a rebellious girl who's always putting others down and chasing the hot boys is foreign to me.

I don't even have friends even remotely like this.

It's quite the problem. I know I need to write this summary so I can understand this character and so she isn't a boring shell of a person but I just can't get into her mindset.

I've been asking myself; "Why does she do these things?" "What are her dreams? " "What keeps her from these dreams?" But it's not working too well."

After I wrote the last sentence, my brain kind of exploded. I knew a girl who used to be a little like this. She wasn't mean or anything, just dark. She didn't chase boys either but that's beside the point. All of a sudden I had ideas. I felt like I'd just broken the surface of the water and could breathe.

The character summary isn't quite what I had hoped. It's lacking in a happy ending. I dont feel that bad for her, but I think I understand her better.

The secret was looking at WHY she's like that. (Ana's her name by the way.) Why does she chase boys? Her dad died when she was little and she's starving for male attention in her life. Why is she mean to others? No one is ever nice to her. Her mom was distant and now she's dying. Ana doesn't know what to do. She's at her wits end and the only way she knows how to deal with it is take it out on other people.

As simple as that. But I couldn't figure any of that out until I found someone I had met who I could sympathize with. If I don't have even just an inkling of sympathy for my charries, they end up flat.

And the only way I found that sympathy was free writing. So next time you're blocked,  try free writing. Maybe it'll open a new point of view for you like it did for me.

How do you write characters who are the opposite of you?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Every Good Word-A Link-Up Quiz

If you follow me, I'm sure you've noticed how often I do link ups. I'm kind of obsessed with them. They're a great way to interact with other blogs and bloggers.

This link up is from a blog I discovered only today. But I already adore it. The design is superb and the girl behind it (Meghan) is awesome. From what I gather, the blog is pretty new. She's hosting a party with giveaways and all kinds of stuff so be sure to go check it out!  It's called Every Good Word and is dedicated to writers and helping them in their craft.

Anyway, on to the link up questions!

What was your first-ever piece of writing? When I was about twelve-ish I wrote the beginnings of a story about a boy and a girl who had lived in the woods ever since their mother had been killed by the evil king. They were the rightful heirs to the throne and the evil king had captured, not killed, their family. I had about half the novel thought out but with my young writing "skills" I got most of the book done in twenty pages or so. It was pitiful but I'm thinking of altering the plot and adopting it again.

How old were you when you first began writing? About twelve I think.

Name two writing goals. One short term & one long term. For the short term I really want to finish "To Save The Lost" before November. I decided the reason I got so sick of it was just a lack of knowing what should happen next. I wrote myself into a corner and had no where to go. So I'm going to start over and plot it, writing scenes out and whatnot. For long term, I really would like to get something published and maybe go to college for a  communications major.

Do you write fiction or non-fiction? Both. I write for this blog and I have two fiction WIPs. I think it would be so fun to write an e-book as well! I've been mulling that over quite a bit actually.

Bouncing off of question 4, what's your favorite genre to write in? I love fantasy but I think my favorite is modern stuff. What would you call that? YA Contemporary perhaps?

One writing lesson you've learned since 2013 began. "Don't be a writer, be writing." I don't remember who said this or I would give them the credit. But it has helped me to remember to actually write.

Favorite author, off the top of your head! Rick Riordan. I know, of all the wonderful classics and amazing ly deep authors, I pick him. But I adore his style and humor.

Three current favorite books. Inkheart by Cornelia Funke, Forest Born by Shannon Hale, and Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery.

Biggest influence on your writing {person}: Person that I know? Hmm...probably my mom. If she didn't love books so much,  I wouldn't love them as much, and I wouldn't have been motivated to write.

What's your go-to writing music? It's a mix. Usually Lord of The Rings or Narnia soundtracks but lately I've just been listening to popular songs like from the radio. I've only been plotting though. Not writing. But you'll hear about those adventures some other time. ;)

List three to five writing quirks of your's! Little habits, must-haves as you write, etc. My characters all want to be incredibly creative and talented people, all the boys want to look just like Logan Lerman, and they're all nice people. I can't do snotty people very well.

What, in three sentences or less, does your writing mean to you? Writing is my escape from reality or my lenses to see reality better. I'm constantly wishing it was possible for me to have a million projects at once so I could chase the fanciful plots and characters that skip through my mind. And without it, I'd be starved for a way to express myself. 

Head over to Every Good Word and add your own post or just check it out! :)

Forever at Odds

Dear Writers Block,

I know you seem to like me. I mean, you won't leave me alone so that says something. But unfortunately for you, the feeling is not mutual.
You're annoying, selfish, and you won't let me do anything I enjoy. You're barely letting me write you this letter and that's not supportive. It's not good for a relationship.
Our relationship has been rocky. I yell, you sulk. You don't give me space, I indulge you before resorting to yelling again. But it's come to the last straw. 
I know when I have the urge to deep clean my room that you've gone way too far. How could you do this to me?
So we have to part ways. It's the only solution. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, but this is goodbye. Hopefully forever.


P.S. Please don't take out your frustration with me out on some other poor writer. Just go get a job at McDonald's or something.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Sunday Quote

"I find television to be very educating.  Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book.”

— Groucho Marx

(Sorry this is so late, I was busy helping my friend move into college! Fun! But better late than never I've heard!)

Friday, August 23, 2013

All The Feels: Link-Up

Oh how I love link-ups! They're so fun to do!
This ones about feels. What books really tapped into your emotions and made you feel with the characters?
I know this has happened to you.

Prompt: It's all about the feels this week! Walk us through the books that have had a profound emotional impact on you. Use the list below as a guideline, but feel free to adjust it to suit your purposes.
Made you laugh
Any Rick Riordan or John Flanagan. They're just funny dudes.
Made you cry
Rilla of Ingleside, Anne of Green Gables, I know there's tons more but I'm blanking.
Left you depressed
Forest Born by Shannon Hale. It puts me in a weird, half depressed, half inspired mood.
Stunned or shocked you
The. Mark. Of. Athena. Need I say more? Stupid cliff-hanger endings. (Ohmygosh. No pun intended...?)
A book that made you angry
A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain. I couldn't even finish it. The MC just ticked me off to a point where I was kinda freaking myself out with how mad I was. So I didn't finish.
Terrified you
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. The first one makes sense, right? But I'm sure you're confused why Jane Eyre would terrify me. I am too actually.
Makes you feel nostalgic
Any Shannon Hale books.
Mixed emotions
Inkheart. It's my favorite! (I'm sure you knew that already though.) I convinced a friend to read it, but he's borrowing my copy....I'm kind of scared for my baby... (Nerd problems right there. :P)
There's my list!
What books have put you through emotional trauma?
P.S. Be sure to join the Link-Up at The Book Chewers with your own post! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

5 Things I Learned From The Sea of Monsters

If you frequent the world of the living or are a Percy Jackson fan, you probably know about the recent release of the second movie. Despite how the first one had failed, I had pretty high hopes for this one. And maybe that was silly, I don't know. But here are five things I learned from watching it.

1. Clarisse is my favorite character.  How could she not have been before? She's pretty, funny, and totally kick butt. A lot different than book Clarisse but I thought it was a good change.

2. Some changes are okay in a book to movie. Usually I despise them, but I thought for a while they were doing a good job! ("For a while", key words here.)

3. Satyrs in dresses are hilarious. Nuff said.

4. Cyclops look awesome with dread locks. (Tyson, not Polyphemus if you were wondering.)

5. Never trust someone who eats their children. He will probably eat you too.

Overall, if the movie wasn't based off a book it would have been pretty good! As it is, I like to forget there was a book while I'm watching it.

What did you learn from The Sea of Monsters movie? If you haven't seen it yet, what about the book?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cinder: Short-Circuited My Brain and Feels


I just finished Cinder by Marissa Meyer. As you might know, I asked in a previous post which book I should read first. (Cinder was one of the options) After only one vote, my curiosity got the better of me and I started the book around 9:30 at night. It is now 1:18am and I didn't put it down for a second.

Forgive me, I'm having a lot of trouble forming coherent sentences and thoughts, I'm in book hangover mode right now. I think the end kind of short circuited my brain...

Thoughts that probably don't make sense: Oh my gosh, a cyborg Cinderella? But no godmother? Levana. Adri. Pearl. Evil. Kai...I'm so disappointed my dear...Iko-*chokes* Peony...*cries* It's Prim all over again...*cries more* End?? What?? I was not warned this is a series!!

Thoughts that might make more sense:

When it started, I was a little...confused? Taken aback? I was expecting the feel of the book to be different than it was. It actually reminded me a LOT of The Book of A Thousand Days by Shannon Hale. (Please tell me some of you have read it...)

First off, futuristic China with a cyborg main charrie? Awesome. I expected to be more weirded out by it that than I actually was.

The characters were superb. I hated the ones I was supposed to hate, I loved the ones I was supposed to love, and I felt they developed well.

I teared up twice. I actually might have cried for real when Iko was dismantled if I had let myself linger on it. It was unfair. Cinder didn't deserve it, Iko didn't. My brain was so riled up from their (Adri vs. Cinder) fight and Peony, that what happened to Iko was the last straw. Adri will never be forgiven.

When Peony died with the antidote so close, all the feelings from Mockingjay when Prim died came rushing back and I almost choked. So unfair to do that to me again. Why would that happen? Why would the author do that to me?

Now Kai. I adore him. Even after the end, I mean, what choice did he have? Cinder HAD lied to him. She was a cyborg AND a lunar. He trusted her and now he had to make all these decisions after watching her become someone he didn't know, AND she almost died?? That would be a lot for anyone. But I've heard the next book doesn't really help his case. Dangit.

His smile though...I can see it. The way it's described sounds just like one of my friends. It just makes me happy and warms my heart. And when he almost kissed her, gah! I was so happy. Course, then her brain exploded but you know.

He actually remined me a lot of the love interest from aforementioned Book of a Thousand Days and also of the Prince from River Secrets. They share a lot of similar traits and that fact I think made me like him more, even in the beginning when we didn't really know him. It took me back to some of my favorite books and helped me relate better I think. Or helped me care about him more.

Levana. Ick. I hate her with a passion. And Sybil too. Filth. That's all.

And the doctor? Totally Cinna. Mixed with...Gaius?

I thought the idea of cyborgs and androids was well done. It didn't feel quite as bizarre as I anticipated. It worked and I enjoyed it. (Did anyone else imagine her car as a VW Beatle? Or was that just me?) Iko in my mind looked just like Eva from Wall•E. Was that a me thing too?

Also, was the Princess Selene thing supposed to be a huge shocking surprise? Cause I wasn't surprised. Don't get me wrong though! I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense. KNOWING she was the princess, just aching to finally be told, it made me giddy. I love guessing things. And Marissa did it splendidly. I wasn't bored with the knowledge, I wasn't upset about knowing so soon, I was just happy. The idea of it, the way everything fit together...well okay, I wasn't expecting her to be hare-brained enough to go to the ball like that even with the news. At least get a hover thingy with your money! And she made such a ridiculous fool of herself... But before all that,  I could just taste the happiness!

But then.

My nightmare happened. I've had it happen to me so many times. How could I not have known? Expected it?

It's the first in a series! Whoopee.

Not the happy ending I had hoped at all. Prince Kai...I sympathize with your situation, I understand your choices. They make sense to me. But my goodness! You didn't even kiss her back!! Fool of a Took...

If you can tell, I get rather excited about my books. I tend to see only AMAZING in them unless they are truly horrible. (Or unless they're Mockingjay which left me battered but after a while I realized I hadn't liked it as much as I thought.) So if you think I'm totally crazy for my excitement and emotional trauma, just know, it's just me. Making an appearance in my happiest state. Book trance.

Overall, I love Cinder. And if my library doesn't have Scarlet...I might just die. For real.

P.S. It's now 2:11am. Good thing I'm homeschooled and don't have to worry about waking up early for school...I would probably die. (Yes, it did take me that long to write that post.)