Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Forever at Odds

Dear Writers Block,

I know you seem to like me. I mean, you won't leave me alone so that says something. But unfortunately for you, the feeling is not mutual.
You're annoying, selfish, and you won't let me do anything I enjoy. You're barely letting me write you this letter and that's not supportive. It's not good for a relationship.
Our relationship has been rocky. I yell, you sulk. You don't give me space, I indulge you before resorting to yelling again. But it's come to the last straw. 
I know when I have the urge to deep clean my room that you've gone way too far. How could you do this to me?
So we have to part ways. It's the only solution. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, but this is goodbye. Hopefully forever.


P.S. Please don't take out your frustration with me out on some other poor writer. Just go get a job at McDonald's or something.


  1. Lol - goodbye, writer's block! Don't come back! Btw, I love your new blog design.

  2. In the words of Gollum: "Go away! And NEVER come BACK!!" Haha :)

    Thank you! I've been struggling to find something I actually like which is why it keeps changing. I get one, then a couple weeks later I decide I don't like it. But this one makes me think of penguins so it might stay. :)

  3. This made me smile. Off you pop, WB! LEAVE US ALONE!

    1. I'm glad! :) Hear hear! Leave us alone!!!
