Sunday, June 30, 2013

Update on Bloglovin

Okay, I figured it out!

As of tomorrow, Google Reader will be closing down. As an alternative, a LOT of bloggers are turning to Bloglovin. I went to the website last night and found out how easy it was. It took me five minutes to set up my account and claim this blog. It took a little longer to add the button but that's only because I was using my iPod and it's hard to do stuff on it.

Also on Bloglovin it was ridiculously easy to import all my blog subscriptions and see them there. It took less than a minute to do that! I loved how easy it was! The site is very user friendly. I had no trouble understanding it.

So if you use Google Reader, now is the time to change over! I added a button in the sidebar that you can use to follow me on Bloglovin. If you already follow me with GFC, please take a second to follow me using Bloglovin instead. And if you're new, welcome! I would love it if you followed me! (Bloglovin has a feature where if you follow me, they send me an e-mail! With that, I'll be able to see your blog and profile and I might even follow you back!)

In short, I love Bloglovin!

That's all! Thank you all for your time!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

There And Back Again: A Girl's Tale

Hello my dear blogglings! I hope none of you have wandered too far away in my absence. I have been at training and have been teaching summer 5 Day Clubs! (Sorta like a VBS) I have been learning a lot and had a wonderful time! 

I did miss you though. There are precious few writers among my non Internet friends. I missed the writing and the community so I thought coming back to blogging would be easy. Turns out I was very very wrong. I have not had the motivation to write seriously in a long time. But here I am! I finally forced myself to come back to you! 

I tried to write while at training but that flopped miserably and what I did do was pathetic compared to my usual endeavors. I'm not quite sure why I can't write when I'm away. Maybe I'll study it sometime and tell you about it! 

At any rate, I thought it would be a good idea to come back and let you know that I am very much alive! 

Also, I have a few random summer tips for you. 

1) Don't get sunburned. It's disgusting and painful and a nuisance. 

2) I believe friendships can be lost over Mario Kart. Tread carefully. 

3) Goosebumps can hurt if you're sunburnt. Don't get sunburnt. 

4) Monster the energy drink is highly terrifying in the hands of ADHD people...

 5) I adore pizza and ice cream.They're  awesome. Eat some. You'll feel better. 

6) Don't get sunburn. Did I mention this? DON'T DO IT! 

Anyway. I hope you all are having fantastic summer's! I will try to post a little more often but I don't know how I will do. Next week I should do better as it's the Fourth of July week and I'm not very busy. 

Have a fabulous day! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Post of Nine Posts (Intriguing, no?)

Hello my dear blogglings! For those of you who follow my blog, I must bring you grievous news...I won't be able to post here for two weeks... I really wish I could but my summer job as a missionary is taking me away for training. :( (By the way, if you could pray for me that would be such a blessing!) However! I have a surprise! I have put together a list of 9 blog posts from around the world wide web for you to read! One a day. (Plus a couple I will set Blogger to post so sometimes there we be brand new content. Hopefully it works.)  So if you feel the need for some extreme inspiration, or if you just miss me, stop by this post and pick a link to read! (Sorry for the weird formatting. I'm doing this on my ipod so I'm not sure how to fix it...) 

I shall categorize them for you as well. No need to thank me.*bows*

Writing Pep Talks:

Just Write (by the lovely Magic Violinist!)

Three Questions Every Writer Should Ask Themselves

Never have Writers Block Again


How To Paint Tangerine Dream and Marmalade Sky Word Pictures


How To Inspire Your Writing...Now!

How To Unlock Your Creativity And Stop Feeling Like A Failure


Three Tips For Naming Your Characters

Why you Need To Find Your Character's Tipping Point

Antagonists: A Closer Look At Their Goals