Friday, September 20, 2013

When You Don't Feel Like Writing (Part 2)

Remember in my last post how I talked about sometimes needing a break from your writing?

Well, there's a flip side to that.

That's just the easy way out. There might be something else you need to do. And I know you aren't going to like it. Sorry to disappoint you.


When you don't feel like writing, it could just be procrastination or a lack of interest in your WIP. In which case, you probably just need to sit yourself in that chair and write.

But if you find the words aren't coming to you, try to get excited about your WIP. Plan the next scene in detail, make a pinterest board for your novel or character (as long as this isn't eating up writing time), try to become your MC and live the scene. I find sometimes, just thinking about my WIP can get me more in the mood to write. Especially if I think about why I did it in the first place. And why I want to finish it.

If that still doesn't work, sit down at your computer and just write whatever comes into your head. If it's about your cat, write it. Do you need oreos? Write that too. Just getting your fingers moving might be the spark to get your creativity and excitement going again.

A lot of the time, reading other's work is all I need. It makes me remember why I want to write and why I love it. Even if it's just a blog post, it could be your flash of inspiration. 

But how do you tell the difference between procrastination and a need for relaxation? I don't know. I haven't found a sure-fire way yet.

Usually, if you find yourself just lazing about, wanting to watch tv constantly or wasting hours on pinterest, you probably need to write.

But if you've been writing a LOT and you really cannot look at your manuscript again. A good novel or movie might be in order.

It's hard to tell, and sometimes you guess wrong. But you were actively trying to complete your novel. That's what's important.

Being stuck and not wanting to write can be a terrible thing. But if you treat it right, it can actually help you. It can make you just sit and write. No matter what ridiculous words find themselves on the page, you have written something. And that in itself is something to be proud of.

Many people don't even try. So bravo if you find yourself stuck! Because that means, you're at least trying. And that is the difference. 

Moral of the story?


Have you found yourself in this situation before? What are some ways you have found to get excited about your WIP?

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