Thursday, May 30, 2013

Picture Prompt

Hello again! I completely forgot it was Thursday! Prompt day to be exact! I didn't know what to do because I had already posted something long and with lots of words so I figured this prompt should be different. Quick as a wink I flew off to Pinterest and found three pictures. The prompt is to choose a picture and write for 15 minutes. Remember to write how it makes you feel and what you can see as though you were there. Got it? Good!


-Pick a photo

-Write for 15 minutes about it.

-Post your piece in the comments. (You may have to post half in one comment and the other half in another. Blogger is weird.)

-Comment on other's pieces and tell all your friends about it!

Okay here are the pictures! I know I'm going to have a hard time choosing!



  1. It is now 1:15 am. And I sit here writing. Cause I'm awesome that way. I just want to say, I was so surprised at the ending of this. Did not expect it! It was really fun! Sorry if it seems to randomly change gears mid story. She's moody so I hoped that wouldn't be too confusing and unreal.

    I'm doing it! I'm really going to see the world! I have always wanted to travel. To see the sights and live the life of a nomad. Wandering around the world at my fancy, seeing whatever I want to see and doing what I want to do. 
    All my life I've been too poor. Not important enough. But I finally hit my big break and I'm going for it!
     I look out the window. A thrill passes through me as I see the world below me. Things are so different from above! I always knew I would fly one day. I just assumed it was going to be something Peter Pan ish. I don't know how that would actually be-what if you had the sudden urge for a bathroom break? I smile to myself, remembering the laughter that had issued from my little sister's mouth for five minutes after that speculation. 
    I am content to sit and stare out the window. Maybe I'll write soon. Right now though, I just want to feel. Exhilaration. Anxiety. Hope. Dread. Peace. Joy. All these things run through me. I'm getting dizzy from the strain of it. But really, I cannot, nor will not ever be able to describe what I feel at this moment. I'm finally free of my home life. Finally free of my "friends". Finally free of my life up till now. I feel fresh and new. Turning to a new chapter. I am almost beginning to forget my life back in Ohio. Almost. Visions of Cole pop into my head unbidden. My stomach tightens and I can feel the emotional pain from just the memory of his face. I am clutching my stomach and rocking back and forth. Cole. Cole. Oh my sweet Cole. That is what I'm running from. I now know for certain. I won't ever get over his death. Tears begin to form in my eyes. My heart throbs with a hurt that will never go away. 
    "Are you okay miss?" The voice shatters my thoughts. I look up in a daze. 
    "What?" I say groggily. 
    "Are you alright? Would you like an aspirin or a glass of water?" The stewardess. Of course she must do her job but I resent her. Why should she be concerned? Why should she care about the fact that I'm a 21 year old widow? Why would she care that the only good thing in my life died not 3 months ago? 
    "I'm fine." I say. I know I sound rude but I don't care. I just want peace from these raging hormones. I don't want to have this reminder of him. I don't want to look at it every day and have to think of him. I just want to forget. But how can I forget the life I carry inside me? How can I forget our child? 

  2. I forgot to name her again! XD I think Emma fits. Sorry!
