Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Peek Into My WIP (Work in progress)

This is an interview I found on the blog "The Magic Violinist" and I decided to fill it out with answers about my current baby, "To Save The Lost".  

(You can find the original post here)

1: What is the working title of your book?

To Save The Lost

2: Where did the idea come from for the book?

It was a really long time ago but I think I was reading a bird field guide. I thought, "Wouldn't it cool to have a race of people who could turn into birds at will?" And the idea was born! It didn't really become a novel until NaNoWriMo of 2011 though. But I cheated and didn't actually finish it during that NaNo. Or the Nano after that. *hides in shame*

3: What genre does your book come under?

YA Fantasy.

4: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Logan Lerman for Cooper as far as looks. He's not that good of an actor (in my opinion) though so maybe Josh Hutcherson as an alternative? Liam Hemsworth for Harris Hwane. (The evil brother.) Whoever played Arya from Eragon or Jane Bennett for Sarah Hwane. Mark Ruffalo for King William. Paul Bettany for Duncan. (Mostly because he's one of my favorite actors EVER and has to fit somewhere. :) Fenoglio for Sir David. David's not really that big of a character but I love Fenoglio's actor (I'm blanking on names for some reason) so I had to add him.  For Marty...uhhh...I don't know. He's such an odd character that I don't know if there's really someone I've seen that could play him. The same with Ria and Sandor. They're my three favorite characters so it's hard to find someone "just right". I thought of maybe Belle from Once Upon A Time for Ria. Her voice is so captivating! But I don't know for the others.

 5: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

A princess goes on a quest to free her long imprisoned father after finding out he is still alive. 

6: Is your book self-published, published by an independent publisher, or represented by an agency?

It's not even done yet!

7: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I haven't even finished the first draft...*sigh* But I started it November of 2011 so it's been a while. 

8: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Probably The Door Within series by Wayne Thomas Batson, The Rangers Apprentice by John Flanagan a little bit. I wish I could say the Merlin series by T.A. Barron but I doubt I'll ever be able to write as beautifully as he does.

9: Who or what inspired you to write this book?

I don't really remember. My family is pretty supportive of my writing. All three of my sisters write but only two of them are really serious. I'm pretty sure if I ever become famous it'll be because of Livie's writing and artwork. She's so talented! 

I've been reading a lot of writing blogs recently and the one that's really made the biggest impact on me is Jeff Goin's blog He is a phenomenal writer and so encouraging and uplifting to read.

The Write Practice is another one of my favorites. I love the variety of the different guest bloggers they have. I have found a bunch of new blogs via that. (The Magic ViolinistOf Faerie And FaithApassionata The Book Chewers To name a few. :) 

10: What are some of the big differences between this book and other books you've written?

Well I haven't really finished any others. But I started one a long time ago, thinking it would be the one I would slave over for the next couple years, but I only got a couple chapters in before To Save The Lost took over. The differences I would say are really just a different feel about them. The worlds are extremely different but the characters have a lot of similarities.

11: What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest

I just have to say, Ria is me. I didn't really plan that, but she has a lot of traits that I do. I'm not a princess sadly, but I do love books (as does she), I'm clumsy (check!), and I think in a similar voice and fashion as Ria. It makes it easier to write and (hopefully) makes her more relatable. 

So there it is! My baby. :) 

Copy and paste to your blog and fill in your own answers if you want. :) 


  1. I'm so honored to be up on that list along with Jeff Goins and The Write Practice! :D Thank you so much!

    Don't feel bad. I have books that I haven't looked at for (*counts quickly*) maybe three years (?). I start writing stories, get bored, come back later with a new perspective, and finish it within a few months.

    Your book sounds really interesting! I love medieval stories.

    It is medieval, right?

    1. No problem! You have a great blog! :)

      I've dont that so many times as well...I should finish them sometime...haha.

      It's sort of medieval. It's in another world. But pretty much. :)

  2. OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone else who loves T. A. Barron and wishes they could compare their book to his!!!!! Love your blog!!!!!


    1. You do too?!? Yaaay! *instant kindred spirits*

      Thank you! :)
