Saturday, May 11, 2013

Inkheart, The Book Chewers, and an Idea

Inkheart is one of my most favorite books. Ever. Ever. My copy is pretty worn out as you can see!

The Book Chewers, a blog written by 4 girls who adore books, have a "book of the month" and this month are featuring Inkheart! 

And guess what? Today's Inkheart post was written by moi! I had a ton of fun writing it and would love it if you went over to check it out! Their website is The Book Chewers!

Also, I've been toying with the idea of writing a bit of story and posting it every Sunday. I'm not sure if it would work or not. Thoughts? (After all, you would be the ones reading it!) 


  1. I'll have to check out your post! :D I've been meaning to read "Inkheart" for a while now, but always had something else that was keeping me busy (mostly reading and writing). I'd love to see your story sometime! :D

    1. Inkheart is so worth it! :) I can understand not having any time. I have so many books on my "to read" pile.

      :) I'm not sure what kind of story it'll be though. I want to write something with "episodes". I don't know. I can't really decide, but I know I want to.
      Oh! Maybe I'll do a story that I started a long time ago! Ohh! So many possibilities!! I will have to think this over. :)

  2. Wow. I just realized how terrible of a quality picture that is...I really need a good camera...
