Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Eve

I really like Easter.  Candy and food aside, it's amazing to be able to remember the sacrifice my Lord and Savior made for me, and the hope that I have through His resurrection. :)

At my church we have a tradition.  We do an Easter egg hunt on the Saturday before Easter.  (What I call Easter Eve)  Actually, that's probably not that much of an uncommon thing come to think of it.

My sister's and I went early to help hide the eggs before all the kids got there.  It's almost more fun to hide them than hunt for them in my opinion!  Except I don't get much candy...

Unfortunately, we had to do the hunt inside this year due to mud and general ickiness outside.  I say, if it's gonna be Easter, it should be bright, sunny, and warm.  Not muddy, gloomy, and chilly.  But sadly, things rarely work out my way in regards to weather.

Being a "hider" I had a basket to carry my eggs around in.  It was one of my favorite things about the whole day.  I felt pretty young right then so I began skipping down the halls, with my basket on my arm, hiding (more like, putting the eggs mostly in plain sight) the colorful eggs wherever I could find a place.

It was great fun!  Until someone noticed my skipping...then I stopped.  But I still really wanted to.

The rest of the hunt, I tried very hard not to skip or do anything else strange.  Sadly, life is not nearly as fun that way...  More people need to let out their inner weird.  At least more often than they do.

It was great fun watching all the kids!  One little girl (about 2 years old) was doing good until she realized what was in the eggs.  When she saw the candy inside, she just sat down where she was and began to pick through all her goodies. :)

But the most exciting part of the whole day; For helping hide the eggs, my pastor gave us all...wait for it...

The wonderfully sugary and fattening sugar-coated marshmallow chicks!

I haven't had these since I was little! Needless to say, it was a pretty good Easter Eve. 

What candy/snack is your favorite on Easter? Feel free to share in the comments below!


  1. My favorite Easter candy is always the bird eggs, or in other words just upgraded malted chocolate balls. :)

    1. Ohhh! I love those too! :) Have you ever had the strawberry milkshake flavored whoppers? The are amazing!
