Monday, August 19, 2013

A New Idea and No Idea What To Do About It

Oh my friends I need help. Just a few months ago, my WIP (To Save The Lost) was going strong. I was excited about it, I felt like I was finally getting to know the characters, and words were coming easier than ever.

Then, summer.

The summer zapped a lot of my will to write. Blogging I have no problem with, but my WIP just seems like torture.

I was just going to suck it up. You know the drill. Make a pinterest board, write random scenes, character journal a bit. Find inspiration somewhere.

But then it hit me.

A new idea.

Not just any idea though, I mean, this is exciting. It's refreshing. Not in the same genre, the girl has things in common with me, it'll be easy to write! I went and made a pinterest board for it. (I'm a tad attached to pinterest. Can you tell?) It's one of those things that just makes my heart skip with delight.

The only problem? I'm feeling really guilty about giving up on To Save The Lost. I've put so much effort into it. I have lost sleep working on it. And now I'm completely ready to give it up?

I know some of you work on more than one thing at a time. But I have this sinking feeling that if I leave it even for a little bit, I may never come back. I'm kind of one track minded as far as writing goes. But then again, couldn't I try it?

I haven't written a word for my new WIP. I havent even named the main characters. But I know who they are. The girl is so very much like me. Coincidence?  Probably not. I want her to be like me. I got the idea from something in my life so why not? The best friend/love interest is harder. I have a vague notion of who he really is, morals, foundation. But as far as quirks and personality? I'm rather stumped.

But maybe I should save it and write it for NaNo? I just dont know blogglings! I'm the most indecisive person I've ever met. (If you haven't noticed) That's why I need an entire blog post to worry and ramble about my choices. I'm so so sorry about that.

The point of this post is mostly for me to ramble. But also this, new ideas are awesome and refreshing. I love plotting a new book. Maybe you do too? Kindred spirits! If you find yourself in the same situation as me, I say, go with it before you lose your fire. Write that novel!

And that's what I'm going to do! Sort of anyway. I think I will do as much for it as I can without writing. (So I can use it for NaNo) Plot every scene, write entire backstories for each character, you know the planning stage. You've done this before. Dont tell me you haven't!  Then when NaNo comes, I'll breeze through it no problem! Or, that's the plan anyway. We'll see how it goes.

Thank you for putting up with me and being my listening ear! You'll be hearing a lot more about this WIP in the next couple of weeks! Prepare yourself. I hope you don't mind.

Have you had any new ideas recently? What's your favorite thing about a new idea?


  1. I'm always ditching my WIPs for new, fresh, exciting ideas. It's natural and completely acceptable. Unless you're on a deadline, I say go with whatever you're excited about. :) If you like this new idea, ditch your WIP (for now) and go for it! :D Hope this helps! :D

    1. I've always had this fear of never actually finishing a novel so I think that's my deep down problem. I really appreciate outside advice so thank you!

  2. Sounds like you came down with a bad case of writer's brainfreeze, and I agree with The Magic Violinist.
