Friday, July 26, 2013

Book Peeves

Prompt: Book peeves. They're like pet peeves, but they're book related. What are yours?

My Book Peeves: 

1. When sequels aren't as good as the first one. (*cough*Inkheart*cough*)

2. When I know a classic is good but it takes forever to actually get exciting.

3. When it gets harder and harder to find joy in the books I used to love.

4. When people make rotten movie renditions of my favorite books.

5. When libraries see fit to put stickers on the good parts of a cover.

6. When libraries get a really good book and then never get the sequels. Not okay.

7. Waiting lists and overdue fines. The bane of my existence. 

8. Not being able to find a book you want and when you do, it's the movie version.

9. Annoying hardbacks. I love hardbacks for looking and admiring but they are a pain to try to read. Never a good position. 

10. Not knowing which books go in what order in a series. I hate when they don't have it clearly laid out. 

11. When the "praise for Eragon" (example) is on the back of "Eldest". I want to know what Eldest is about! Frustrating!

12. Abridged books. 

What are your book peeves? Share in the comments! 


  1. YES! I hate when they put the praise for one book on the back of another cover....I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT ONE! THIS IS NOT THAT ONE! Gaaaaahhhh! And many others of the ones you have mentioned...

  2. YES! I HATE IT when you can't tell which books in a series come first! ;P So annoying.

    1. I read books out of order so much it's ridiculous...
