Friday, July 5, 2013

Informational Bits

Hello! I'm so sorry there was no informationy type post today about writing or books or anything. I got kind lost watching Doctor Who. Whovians will know how that goes. Actually, there will be one! Here it goes! 

Informational bit #1: That whole bit about GFC and Google reader going away? Seems the rumors were wrong. It's still there. I was surprised for sure! If you know why they stayed, please share! I'm quite curious. 

Informational bit #2: I miss Amy Pond. That should be self-explanatory if you are a fellow Whovian. *goes to sob in a corner* 

Informational bit #3: I'll be posting some book reviews and character...for lack of a better word; character analysis's, sometime soon! I've been reading a lot and rereading even more! It's inspired me for a lot of posts! Be on the look out! 

Informational bit #4: I wrote a guest post! It was posted on Wednesday but it completely slipped my mind to let you know! You can find it at I'm so glad I got the oppurtunity to write it! Go check it out! 

Informational bit #5: I have nothing else to share. What a pity...actually! A reminder: If you would like to guest post here on Rainbows and Penguins, e-mail me at rainbowsandpenguinsblog(at)gmail(dot)com. Also, if you have any questions or requests, e-mail me! I will do my best to answer you! 

Have a fantastic evening! 


  1. I had a feeling the rumours about GFC being deleted weren't true. I'm SO glad! It's a fantastic widget.

    1. I hoped they weren't but I decided to go ahead and get Bloglovin anyway. I just want to know how so many people fell for it. I'm glad it stayed as well! It would have been so sad...

  2. When I logged in on the 1st of July I was expecting to be confronted by the Apocalypse - raining meteors, lightning bolts, people running round shrieking "THE END IS NIGH! ONLY BLOGLOVIN CAN SAVE US NOW!" - but all was quiet and still...strange. I'm not complaining though. I did NOT want all my followers to disappear down the drain! :L

    1. Haha! This comment made me laugh so hard! :) I actually forgot about the whole thing for a while. It didn't even dawn on me what was supposed to be happening that day! I'm glad it stayed but sad that I fell for it. ; P
