"But that's impossible!"
Nothing is impossible. We think it is, but what do we know? For centuries, our world thought the earth was flat. So much for that.
Have you all seen the photo of the stick man with a staple gun held up to a tree? The caption reads; "Whoever said nothing is impossible has obviously never tried to staple water to a tree."
But that's pretty dumb.
As my wise and learned sister pointed out once, "you can staple water to a tree. Just fill a ziploc with water and staple that to the tree."
See? Nothing is impossible.
So why do we act like it is?
"I'm never going to learn to eat healthy so why even try? It's impossible to buy fresh fruits and vegetables on my budget. Ramen noodles for me."
"It's impossible for me to write a novel so I don't think I'll even try. Maybe tomorrow."
"I'll never get the house clean! Might as well go Pinterest some ideas for organization!" *3 hours later pinning outfits for kids we dont have and fried Oreos*
Our generation is one of major laziness. You know it's true. More and more inventions are being sold to make our lives better when really, they're turning us into mush! (Not all of the things mind you. I'm in love with computers, ipods, and cell phones. ;) People from Wall-E? That's where we may end up if Jesus doesn't come back before then.
But nothing is impossible. So let's pray for our generation. Pray that leaders and encouragers, hard workers and passionate thinkers, are being raised right now. I know it can be possible. I know there are people like that.
How do I know? Well I'm alive aren't I? Kidding! I don't think I'll ever be famous. And that suits me. But I do have some friends that could do some serious damage in this world. (And by damage, I mean the good kind.)
And I know that it's in God's hands. He will never give up on us humans. He is using extraordinary and ordinary people to change our world, one heart at a time.
As far as writers, we need to remember that no many how many rejection letters, no matter how much negative feedback, there are still those who will love our work. The negativity can only serve to make us better writers and help us develop thick skins. (For when your novel is published!)
So never say "impossible". Because "impossible" is a rather silly notion.
Who's the wise and learned sister? Abbie, Livvie, or Jessie?
ReplyDeleteAbbie. Though she's only wise and learned sometimes. ;)