I've been going through the differences in story writing this week. (I simply adore series'!) Planners were discussed in a previous post and today's topic is Pantsers! (It was only logical.)
The term "Pantser" comes from the phrase, "by the seat of your pants". Spontaneous. Pantsers don't use an outline. The just sit down and write the story. They don't worry about what's going to happen a few chapters away, they just write.
It's a lot of fun to write this way! You never know what the characters are going to do. You may write the whole novel around your MC's wish to go home, but in the end, it may just end up that she dies without ever seeing her family again. (I'm morbid...)
Even you as the author didnt see this coming.
Pantsing can take away a lot of the time spent outlining before you even start, but without a clear path, you may end up writing yourself into a plot hole that you can never hope to escape from.
Overall, I think Pantsing is great fun but I've only ever tried it once, and while intriguing, I soon gave up. I'm kindof an in between. But you'll hear more about that in another post!
In the meantime, what did I leave out? Have anything to add? Have your charries ever done completely unpredictable things? Tell me about it in the comments!
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