Friday, May 24, 2013

Of Failure and The Beauty of Life

Good day to you all! I must apologize for my fail on the writing prompt yesterday. I will get my piece written. I fully intended to get it done yesterday but pretty much right after I published it, my day kindof went into a downward spiral and I couldn't find the time or will to do it. You can still participate in it! And last weeks as well. There's no deadline or specific timeslot to do them in. I would love to see what you can come up with!

I was thinking about yesterday, and overall, it was an okay day. There were plenty of ups. But it was the downs that I remember the most vividly. Why is that? 

Why do we as humans allow ourselves to get caught up in the bad things in life? Why are we so caught up in our struggles instead of rejoicing in our victories and triumphs? 

I've often wondered about this. We're constantly talking about and thinking about "what could go wrong?". And not in the sarcastic sense. 

We seem to be paranoid. There are plenty of people who are optimistic! I wish I was one of them. But even optimists get the grumps. Even they can start seeing things for worse than they are. 

It makes me sad that it's so easy to see bad in people and around us. We see how polluted the skies are and we wonder what we did for it to be this bad. Why don't we remember the fields and the meadows. The untouched places where silence can seem so loud. The beauty stuns us. Let's remember those. 

Let's dwell on the good things in life. Let's remember the fields and the lilies. The sun and the great big blue sky. The people in our lives who build us up. Because life should be enjoyable. Not full of worries and cares. 

Life is a beautiful gift. Have you ever just thought about it? We are so blessed to be able to love! To see colors and appreciate beauty. To feel and to touch. Wouldn't life be boring if everything felt the same? Taste. I love food! Life would be sad if things didn't taste different. It would be bland. Smells are glorious. How different would it be without smells? We can enjoy being around our friends. We can create art. We can enjoy and play music. This is life. So why shouldn't we enjoy it? Why shouldn't we dwell on the good things? 

Your thoughts? 

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