Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Do I Write? Glad You Asked!

First order of business: I got a new background. You noticed? Good! I hope you like it! I finally decided the other one didn't really fit my theme so it was time for a change. I am the kind of person who needs new scenery every once in a while so this is by no means permanent. If you don't like change, I'm truly sorry. That's just how it's going to be.

Second order of business: The last couple of days we've been talking about Planners and Pantsers. We've talked about the different ways to do it, now I'm going to tell you something shocking about the way I write.

I don't plan or pants.

That's right. I'm neither planner nor Pantser. I am a little bit of both though. 

When I first started my novel, I followed all the rules. I planned it out, thinking it would make it that much easier. At first it helped! I was doing NaNoWriMo for the first time and the idea of actually finishing scared me. I didn't finish my novel that November. Or the November after that. And I still haven't. 

When I got to the middle, I didn't know what to write. I made up a lot of random stuff that didn't make sense and will most likely have to come out later. (My poor baby is going to have to have major surgery...*sniff*)

In April, I did Camp NaNoWriMo. I didn't win and I still didn't finish. I tried to plan the rest of my novel but I got bored within the second sentence of planning. 

I cannot write out my plans. That's where I get stuck. It bores me so I don't write it but I need an outline to follow!

I read somewhere that some people take 5 minutes before they write to write an outline of the scene they're writing. Sounds boring to me. I tried that and it failed too. (This should be called the post of shame...) 

I haven't found my magic method yet but I'm going to keep trying. I really hope I find it soon. I'm getting to the important part of me novel!

Maybe I just have to keep the outline in my head and not write it down. I have a pretty good idea of what will happen eventually but right now I'm stuck. Like REALLY stuck. I hate being stuck. I'm sure if I just start writing that something will come to me. Probably. Hopefully.

I'm an in betweener. I keep stuff in my head. A "Plantser" as dubbed by the Magic Violinist. ;)

What are your thoughts on "Plantsing"? Any tips for me? I can use all the help I can get!

P.S. Tomorrow is the big day!! I'll be posting the teen writer interview! It's going to be fantastic and I know you don't want to miss it! I'll give you a hint though; It may involve two teen writers! You heard me. Stay tuned!


  1. When I "plantser" (great word), I write really, really fast, so I don't lose my train of thought. ;) Ooo! Tomorrow sounds fun. :P

    1. I try to do that too but I find that sometimes te faster I go, the harder it is for my train of thought to stay on track. It's very odd.
      Oh yes! Tomorrow shall be fabulous! ;)
