Ah! One week has past since the Actually Finishing Something In July challenge started! I have very little to show for it but I love having motivation! :) Here's week two's questions and my answers! I would encourage you to join this challenge and maybe answer the questions on your own blog! You can find the original post here to link to it.
1) How time flies! Did you reach your weekly goal?
Alas, I did not...My goal has actually changed a lot since last week. On the lovely Notebook Sisters blog they had a contest to win a 10,000 word critique! Me being fabulous at thinking ahead, entered. I really didn't think I was going to win so when I did win, I first had a party!!! But then I was stumped. My first 10,000 words are not typed up. So I have decided to change my actually finishing something in July goal to typing/rewriting the first half of my novel for that. Which is fine with me! I'm very stuck!
2) Is this challenge pushing and encouraging you to write more often?
It actually is! Except for right now when I should be writing and I'm not...
3) Did you accomplish most of your writing in the morning, afternoon, evening, or at random intervals during your busy day (i.e. waiting for your neighbors to go inside so you can jump on the trampoline without disturbing them)?
Mostly at night. This might be afternoons though. We will see.
4) Any particular musical tracks inspiring your prose?
Lord of the Rings! And Press Play. Which is a really weird combination if you think about it...
5) Share a snippet (or two) of your writing!
Ria scowled at him. "Im perfectly able to take care of myself thank you very much."
Cooper hid a grin, not very well, and said, "Oh yes of course. My apologies."
Ria shot him an angry look and tried to stand up again. But it was still to soon. Her legs wobbled. She thought for sure she was going to fall again. But just before she did, Ria felt Cooper's arm go around her waist to keep her up. This time she didnt try to argue. She knew she would need a moment before she could stand alone.
Ria flushed.
"Are you sure about that princess?" Cooper asked.
Ria glanced up at him. He was grinning from ear to ear.
"Oh be quiet." She muttered.
6) Share your three favorite bits of dialogue.
There's not much at this point actually. Sorry about that...
7) How are you going to move forward in this challenge? Are you changing your word-count goal, or other such battle plans this week?
Im going to try to write at any possible moment! ("Not every moment, but any moment!")
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