First and foremost; The lovely Notebook Sisters are holding a Crit&Ed party over at their blog! It's all about editing and there's a giveaway! There will be posts about editing, posts with 250 words of someones work plus Cait and Mime's thoughts on the piece, and the giveaway is a 10,000 word critique by the sisters! I'm really excited for it if you can't tell! :D
Second; I love guest posts. I love writing them, and I know I would love to spotlight a few of yours! If you would like to be a guest poster on Rainbows and Penguins, raise your hand!
For those of you who raised your hands, here are some guidelines.
1. I'm not looking for anything specific but it should be along the lines of books or writing. Anything that falls under that catagory is welcome! If you already have an idea, great! E-mail me and tell me about it! If you don't, not a biggie! Pick a general topic and I'll try to help you figure it out!
2. Write with passion! As long as you do that, your word will come alive. (Living books anyone?)
3. Edit relentlessly. There's nothing like writing a fantastic post that should enthrall your readers and leave them spellbound! But it's so full of spelling and grammatical errors, few are likely to pay attention. I'll be proof reading because I know sometimes the author's eyes tend to see what they meant to write instead of what they actually did write. (And spell-check thinks if you mean "write" but type "right" that it's still correct. Sill spell-check!) I won't judge you if there are errors, don't worry. ;)
My e-mail address is rainbowsandpenguinsblog(at)gmail(dot)com. I'm excited to hear from you! :)
Thirdly, I have been scheming a little bit on some exciting things we could do as far as "special events". I've got a couple ideas that I hope will come to light sometime in late August. If you have any ideas or bloggy type things that you love, e-mail me or comment here!
For now, if you have any questions you would like answered or topics you wish I would cover, shoot me an e-mail or comment on this post! I am by no means an expert but I will do my best to provide a satisfactory response!
I absolutely love the community the Internet provides and I'm excited to hear from you all!
Have a wonderful day!
That would be fantastic! Shoot me an e-mail and I'll do my best to help you come up with a topic! :)