It got me thinking how strongly I feel about my books. And when I hear of a book that violates things that I hold sacred about my literature, it makes me sad. There are just some things I cannot let slide, especially in books.
I love books. Books in general. But some books I can't bring myself to read. They just sound awful. And I can't justify horrible plots, terrifyingly disgusting characters, directly offensive to me ideas (yeah I'm selfish), or just boring books. Books are meant to be an escape, an inspiration, beautiful, or wake up call, and if they can't deliver on that promise, count me out.
ALERT: if you happen to love any of the books below or I manage to offend you with my humble opinions, I am truly sorry. I believe everyone has the right to love what books they will and I mean no offense by anything below. I will remind you gently that these are simply my own opinions and nothing I say need to be taken as gospel truth or a horribly uneducated bash at something or someone. I'm just stating my thoughts and I would honestly love to hear if you disagree with me! (No hate though please. I am a sensitive Platypus) Leave me a comment or email me! Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled post.
Some books that fall under this list of "books I can't bring myself to read" are:
1. Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
I just can't get behind something that is so blatantly silly and about boys. I have read books that are mostly about romance, but with the addition of vampires and such, it just doesn't seem worth it.
2. The Host by Stephanie Meyer
This is mostly because it's the same author as Twilight, which may seem judgmental but with so little time in my crazy life to read books, I don't want to waste any of it.
3. Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
You may like this series, which is fine by me. I don't hate you for it. I just have heard some things about it and it's TV show and I just don't think it's the kind of book series for me.
4. Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
I know it's super popular right now but my sister started reading it and just couldn't finish. I hear there was demons and stuff in it? Don't quote me on that or hate me for not doing my research, I just doubt I'll ever have the desire to pick these books up.
5. Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
This is the one I'll get hate mail for. I would like to read it for the story but I have heard there's a LOT of inappropriate stuff there and while I know that's a realistic addition to a book like this, I'd rather not get it into my mind.
6. The Golden Compass Philip Pullman
I have just heard too much bad about this.
7. How to Train Your Dragon Cressida Cowell
I am aware that these books are for like, preteen boys but might I remind you that technically so is Percy Jackson. I just don't think the boyish humor is going to make even a great story worth it. Plus I've already seen both movies and liked them so I'd hate to spoil that.
8. Looking for Alaska by John Green
Okay before you come at me with baseball bats and rakes, let me just remind you of all the reasons I've given above that stop me from reading books. This one kind of goes along the same lines as Perks of Being a Wallflower. I just don't know if it'd be worth it. Plus, my sister read it and didn't automatically shove it into my arms so she must not have felt that strongly. And she has excellent taste in books.
9. Messenger by Lois Lowry
This is the third book in the Giver Quartet and honestly, I got kind of bored with the first two. I thought they were excellently written and good books! I just never felt the need to pick up this one. So I guess there isn't really a good reason for this one, just not gonna read it.
10. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
My goal once upon a time (15th birthday perhaps?) my goal was to read all of this since not very many had. I got it for my birthday and since I was reading other books at the time, my sister took it and tried to read it. Well I'm 18 now and she still hasn't returned it. I think she thinks it's always been hers. My goals have changed and I just don't think I'll ever get to it.
What do you think? Any books on this list you think I should give a chance? Agree with any of my decisions? Are there any on this list that you've read and thought were wonderful-or regretted reading them?
I had Twilight and Mortal Instruments on my list too! I also won't ever read anything of John Green's again after TFIOS and I got on badly. I don't think I'll read Game of Thrones and whilst my sister tried to get me into Phillip Pullman, I was never interested.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/top-ten-tuesday-3/
Yeah, TFIOS I did like but I'm just not sure about reading the rest of his books.