Monday, October 21, 2013

Things I Hate

I've had a lot of frustrations in my life recently. It's hard to stay positive through it all but I know I have to. However. I'm going to interrupt the regularly scheduled book/writerly posts with a rant.

1. The common cold. So. Annoying! I can't do anything normal. I hate it.

2. Neck pain. It makes life so so so hard.

3. Having a job. Sure I like money and being more independent but the scheduling is a pain. I'm super frustrated with it and it's only my second week of work. Frustrating.

4. Being confused. When people have no idea what they're talking about but say it anyway and everybody says something's hard to do anything.

I need to move past this stuff but it's gonna be hard. Pray for me blogglings!

What frustrates you guys?


  1. Oohh, good luck with your job! I'm sure you'll get in the groove and it will all be roses. :)


  2. Gah, that sucks. ;P My mom has terrible neck pain, too. What frustrates me: having so much to do and so little time! Especially with my notorious procrastination skills. ;) I'm the procrastination queen.
