Thursday, September 12, 2013

Free Writing (Prompt)

Have you ever heard of free writing? I hadn't until this year. I must say, it's quite the concept.

The jist of free writing is to just take about ten minutes and write. Don't think or plan, just write whatever comes to your mind.

The idea is that if you're stuck, it can help get your creative juices flowing. Or even if you aren't stuck, it can help you see something from a different point of view. And maybe if you get stuck later on in some of your writing, you can just read some of your free writing and find ideas in it.

When I do it, it's so much more than that. It let's me take all my emotions, negative or not, and put them somewhere they can't bother me anymore. They're gone. They don't tie me down. That's a lot of the reason I do it. If I'm upset or down on myself, I free write and I feel infinitely better.

I love it. It's freeing to just sit down and bleed my thoughts onto paper. So that's what today's prompt is. (I haven't done a Thursday prompt in a while. Im sorry about that.)


-Free write for ten minutes. Just bleed onto the page (or screen) and see what happens.

-Read through your writing and see if it sparks any ideas. If it does, awesome! If not, no worries. Just file it away for future use!

-If you feel comfortable sharing, post your writing in the comments! (I sometimes end up writing some personal stuff. That's why I add that.)

-Pass this prompt along to a friend. Tweet it, share it on facebook, e-mail it. The more the merrier!

Some people say it's better to write on paper because it accesses parts of the brain that don't get used when typing.  Whether they're right or not, I like doing it on paper. But you can do it however you want!

I'm off to free write! See you in the comments! 

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