Friday, August 30, 2013
20 Things I've Learned Watching Doctor Who
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Writing Characters Who Are Your Opposites
How DO the bad girls think?
A few days ago, I was stuck on this question. This was my free write from that day:
"I've been stuck on this question for about 45 minutes. Im trying to write a character summary for the bad girl in my new WIP but I can't seem to empathize with her at all.
I'm a homeschooled quiet girl. (Not a "homeschoolER" mind you, just quiet.) So the brain of a rebellious girl who's always putting others down and chasing the hot boys is foreign to me.
I don't even have friends even remotely like this.
It's quite the problem. I know I need to write this summary so I can understand this character and so she isn't a boring shell of a person but I just can't get into her mindset.
I've been asking myself; "Why does she do these things?" "What are her dreams? " "What keeps her from these dreams?" But it's not working too well."
After I wrote the last sentence, my brain kind of exploded. I knew a girl who used to be a little like this. She wasn't mean or anything, just dark. She didn't chase boys either but that's beside the point. All of a sudden I had ideas. I felt like I'd just broken the surface of the water and could breathe.
The character summary isn't quite what I had hoped. It's lacking in a happy ending. I dont feel that bad for her, but I think I understand her better.
The secret was looking at WHY she's like that. (Ana's her name by the way.) Why does she chase boys? Her dad died when she was little and she's starving for male attention in her life. Why is she mean to others? No one is ever nice to her. Her mom was distant and now she's dying. Ana doesn't know what to do. She's at her wits end and the only way she knows how to deal with it is take it out on other people.
As simple as that. But I couldn't figure any of that out until I found someone I had met who I could sympathize with. If I don't have even just an inkling of sympathy for my charries, they end up flat.
And the only way I found that sympathy was free writing. So next time you're blocked, try free writing. Maybe it'll open a new point of view for you like it did for me.
How do you write characters who are the opposite of you?
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Every Good Word-A Link-Up Quiz
If you follow me, I'm sure you've noticed how often I do link ups. I'm kind of obsessed with them. They're a great way to interact with other blogs and bloggers.
This link up is from a blog I discovered only today. But I already adore it. The design is superb and the girl behind it (Meghan) is awesome. From what I gather, the blog is pretty new. She's hosting a party with giveaways and all kinds of stuff so be sure to go check it out! It's called Every Good Word and is dedicated to writers and helping them in their craft.
Anyway, on to the link up questions!
What was your first-ever piece of writing? When I was about twelve-ish I wrote the beginnings of a story about a boy and a girl who had lived in the woods ever since their mother had been killed by the evil king. They were the rightful heirs to the throne and the evil king had captured, not killed, their family. I had about half the novel thought out but with my young writing "skills" I got most of the book done in twenty pages or so. It was pitiful but I'm thinking of altering the plot and adopting it again.
How old were you when you first began writing? About twelve I think.
Name two writing goals. One short term & one long term. For the short term I really want to finish "To Save The Lost" before November. I decided the reason I got so sick of it was just a lack of knowing what should happen next. I wrote myself into a corner and had no where to go. So I'm going to start over and plot it, writing scenes out and whatnot. For long term, I really would like to get something published and maybe go to college for a communications major.
Do you write fiction or non-fiction? Both. I write for this blog and I have two fiction WIPs. I think it would be so fun to write an e-book as well! I've been mulling that over quite a bit actually.
Bouncing off of question 4, what's your favorite genre to write in? I love fantasy but I think my favorite is modern stuff. What would you call that? YA Contemporary perhaps?
One writing lesson you've learned since 2013 began. "Don't be a writer, be writing." I don't remember who said this or I would give them the credit. But it has helped me to remember to actually write.
Favorite author, off the top of your head! Rick Riordan. I know, of all the wonderful classics and amazing ly deep authors, I pick him. But I adore his style and humor.
Three current favorite books. Inkheart by Cornelia Funke, Forest Born by Shannon Hale, and Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery.
Biggest influence on your writing {person}: Person that I know? Hmm...probably my mom. If she didn't love books so much, I wouldn't love them as much, and I wouldn't have been motivated to write.
What's your go-to writing music? It's a mix. Usually Lord of The Rings or Narnia soundtracks but lately I've just been listening to popular songs like from the radio. I've only been plotting though. Not writing. But you'll hear about those adventures some other time. ;)
List three to five writing quirks of your's! Little habits, must-haves as you write, etc. My characters all want to be incredibly creative and talented people, all the boys want to look just like Logan Lerman, and they're all nice people. I can't do snotty people very well.
What, in three sentences or less, does your writing mean to you? Writing is my escape from reality or my lenses to see reality better. I'm constantly wishing it was possible for me to have a million projects at once so I could chase the fanciful plots and characters that skip through my mind. And without it, I'd be starved for a way to express myself.
Head over to Every Good Word and add your own post or just check it out! :)
Forever at Odds
Dear Writers Block,
I know you seem to like me. I mean, you won't leave me alone so that says something. But unfortunately for you, the feeling is not mutual.
You're annoying, selfish, and you won't let me do anything I enjoy. You're barely letting me write you this letter and that's not supportive. It's not good for a relationship.
Our relationship has been rocky. I yell, you sulk. You don't give me space, I indulge you before resorting to yelling again. But it's come to the last straw.
I know when I have the urge to deep clean my room that you've gone way too far. How could you do this to me?
So we have to part ways. It's the only solution. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, but this is goodbye. Hopefully forever.
P.S. Please don't take out your frustration with me out on some other poor writer. Just go get a job at McDonald's or something.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
A Sunday Quote
"I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book.”
— Groucho Marx
(Sorry this is so late, I was busy helping my friend move into college! Fun! But better late than never I've heard!)
Friday, August 23, 2013
All The Feels: Link-Up
Prompt: It's all about the feels this week! Walk us through the books that have had a profound emotional impact on you. Use the list below as a guideline, but feel free to adjust it to suit your purposes.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
5 Things I Learned From The Sea of Monsters
If you frequent the world of the living or are a Percy Jackson fan, you probably know about the recent release of the second movie. Despite how the first one had failed, I had pretty high hopes for this one. And maybe that was silly, I don't know. But here are five things I learned from watching it.
1. Clarisse is my favorite character. How could she not have been before? She's pretty, funny, and totally kick butt. A lot different than book Clarisse but I thought it was a good change.
2. Some changes are okay in a book to movie. Usually I despise them, but I thought for a while they were doing a good job! ("For a while", key words here.)
3. Satyrs in dresses are hilarious. Nuff said.
4. Cyclops look awesome with dread locks. (Tyson, not Polyphemus if you were wondering.)
5. Never trust someone who eats their children. He will probably eat you too.
Overall, if the movie wasn't based off a book it would have been pretty good! As it is, I like to forget there was a book while I'm watching it.
What did you learn from The Sea of Monsters movie? If you haven't seen it yet, what about the book?
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Cinder: Short-Circuited My Brain and Feels
I just finished Cinder by Marissa Meyer. As you might know, I asked in a previous post which book I should read first. (Cinder was one of the options) After only one vote, my curiosity got the better of me and I started the book around 9:30 at night. It is now 1:18am and I didn't put it down for a second.
Forgive me, I'm having a lot of trouble forming coherent sentences and thoughts, I'm in book hangover mode right now. I think the end kind of short circuited my brain...
Thoughts that probably don't make sense: Oh my gosh, a cyborg Cinderella? But no godmother? Levana. Adri. Pearl. Evil. Kai...I'm so disappointed my dear...Iko-*chokes* Peony...*cries* It's Prim all over again...*cries more* End?? What?? I was not warned this is a series!!
Thoughts that might make more sense:
When it started, I was a little...confused? Taken aback? I was expecting the feel of the book to be different than it was. It actually reminded me a LOT of The Book of A Thousand Days by Shannon Hale. (Please tell me some of you have read it...)
First off, futuristic China with a cyborg main charrie? Awesome. I expected to be more weirded out by it that than I actually was.
The characters were superb. I hated the ones I was supposed to hate, I loved the ones I was supposed to love, and I felt they developed well.
I teared up twice. I actually might have cried for real when Iko was dismantled if I had let myself linger on it. It was unfair. Cinder didn't deserve it, Iko didn't. My brain was so riled up from their (Adri vs. Cinder) fight and Peony, that what happened to Iko was the last straw. Adri will never be forgiven.
When Peony died with the antidote so close, all the feelings from Mockingjay when Prim died came rushing back and I almost choked. So unfair to do that to me again. Why would that happen? Why would the author do that to me?
Now Kai. I adore him. Even after the end, I mean, what choice did he have? Cinder HAD lied to him. She was a cyborg AND a lunar. He trusted her and now he had to make all these decisions after watching her become someone he didn't know, AND she almost died?? That would be a lot for anyone. But I've heard the next book doesn't really help his case. Dangit.
His smile though...I can see it. The way it's described sounds just like one of my friends. It just makes me happy and warms my heart. And when he almost kissed her, gah! I was so happy. Course, then her brain exploded but you know.
He actually remined me a lot of the love interest from aforementioned Book of a Thousand Days and also of the Prince from River Secrets. They share a lot of similar traits and that fact I think made me like him more, even in the beginning when we didn't really know him. It took me back to some of my favorite books and helped me relate better I think. Or helped me care about him more.
Levana. Ick. I hate her with a passion. And Sybil too. Filth. That's all.
And the doctor? Totally Cinna. Mixed with...Gaius?
I thought the idea of cyborgs and androids was well done. It didn't feel quite as bizarre as I anticipated. It worked and I enjoyed it. (Did anyone else imagine her car as a VW Beatle? Or was that just me?) Iko in my mind looked just like Eva from Wall•E. Was that a me thing too?
Also, was the Princess Selene thing supposed to be a huge shocking surprise? Cause I wasn't surprised. Don't get me wrong though! I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense. KNOWING she was the princess, just aching to finally be told, it made me giddy. I love guessing things. And Marissa did it splendidly. I wasn't bored with the knowledge, I wasn't upset about knowing so soon, I was just happy. The idea of it, the way everything fit together...well okay, I wasn't expecting her to be hare-brained enough to go to the ball like that even with the news. At least get a hover thingy with your money! And she made such a ridiculous fool of herself... But before all that, I could just taste the happiness!
But then.
My nightmare happened. I've had it happen to me so many times. How could I not have known? Expected it?
It's the first in a series! Whoopee.
Not the happy ending I had hoped at all. Prince Kai...I sympathize with your situation, I understand your choices. They make sense to me. But my goodness! You didn't even kiss her back!! Fool of a Took...
If you can tell, I get rather excited about my books. I tend to see only AMAZING in them unless they are truly horrible. (Or unless they're Mockingjay which left me battered but after a while I realized I hadn't liked it as much as I thought.) So if you think I'm totally crazy for my excitement and emotional trauma, just know, it's just me. Making an appearance in my happiest state. Book trance.
Overall, I love Cinder. And if my library doesn't have Scarlet...I might just die. For real.
P.S. It's now 2:11am. Good thing I'm homeschooled and don't have to worry about waking up early for school...I would probably die. (Yes, it did take me that long to write that post.)
Monday, August 19, 2013
A New Idea and No Idea What To Do About It
Oh my friends I need help. Just a few months ago, my WIP (To Save The Lost) was going strong. I was excited about it, I felt like I was finally getting to know the characters, and words were coming easier than ever.
Then, summer.
The summer zapped a lot of my will to write. Blogging I have no problem with, but my WIP just seems like torture.
I was just going to suck it up. You know the drill. Make a pinterest board, write random scenes, character journal a bit. Find inspiration somewhere.
But then it hit me.
A new idea.
Not just any idea though, I mean, this is exciting. It's refreshing. Not in the same genre, the girl has things in common with me, it'll be easy to write! I went and made a pinterest board for it. (I'm a tad attached to pinterest. Can you tell?) It's one of those things that just makes my heart skip with delight.
The only problem? I'm feeling really guilty about giving up on To Save The Lost. I've put so much effort into it. I have lost sleep working on it. And now I'm completely ready to give it up?
I know some of you work on more than one thing at a time. But I have this sinking feeling that if I leave it even for a little bit, I may never come back. I'm kind of one track minded as far as writing goes. But then again, couldn't I try it?
I haven't written a word for my new WIP. I havent even named the main characters. But I know who they are. The girl is so very much like me. Coincidence? Probably not. I want her to be like me. I got the idea from something in my life so why not? The best friend/love interest is harder. I have a vague notion of who he really is, morals, foundation. But as far as quirks and personality? I'm rather stumped.
But maybe I should save it and write it for NaNo? I just dont know blogglings! I'm the most indecisive person I've ever met. (If you haven't noticed) That's why I need an entire blog post to worry and ramble about my choices. I'm so so sorry about that.
The point of this post is mostly for me to ramble. But also this, new ideas are awesome and refreshing. I love plotting a new book. Maybe you do too? Kindred spirits! If you find yourself in the same situation as me, I say, go with it before you lose your fire. Write that novel!
And that's what I'm going to do! Sort of anyway. I think I will do as much for it as I can without writing. (So I can use it for NaNo) Plot every scene, write entire backstories for each character, you know the planning stage. You've done this before. Dont tell me you haven't! Then when NaNo comes, I'll breeze through it no problem! Or, that's the plan anyway. We'll see how it goes.
Thank you for putting up with me and being my listening ear! You'll be hearing a lot more about this WIP in the next couple of weeks! Prepare yourself. I hope you don't mind.
Have you had any new ideas recently? What's your favorite thing about a new idea?
Sunday, August 18, 2013
A Sunday Quote
Friday, August 16, 2013
ABC Book Challenge-Link-Up
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Too Many Books, Too Little Time.
I've done precious little reading this summer. I say it's time to get back into it, wouldn't you agree?
On my to-read shelf is some books that I'm supremely excited for! To be perfectly honest, I can't quite decide which to read first. Want to help me choose?
I have five options. All very good ones if you ask me!
1. Cinder by Marissa Meyer
I have heard fantastic things about this book! It's the book of the month over at The Book Chewers. I'm quite excited for it!
2. Rakkety Tam by Brian Jacques
I borrowed this book months ago from someone and I haven't read it yet. I should really get on that. It's one of the Redwall books so it's bound to be good!
3. Ruby Red by Kirsten Gier
My sister just read this book and I must say I'm quite intrigued! About a time traveling girl! How cool is that? Sister of mine said it's unlike any book she's ever read. Which means I'm probably not going to be able to stop thinking about it.
4. The Clocks by Agatha Christie
I love Agatha. And I haven't read a good mystery in quite a while so I would be more than happy to snuggle up with this one.
So what do you say? Which do you think I should read first? Which are your favorites if you've read them?