It's been a long day, you have been dealing with people all day long and you're sick of the world. Your kids (or siblings) are going crazy, bouncing off the walls, screaming with joy and anger, you have a million things to do and no one even offers to help.
You are stressed.
What do you do?
Option 1: Lose your temper. This is not recommended. Avoid this option at all costs.
Option 2: Go away by yourself and scream a lot.
Option 3: Take a nap! Or better yet, just go to bed early and forget your cares for a while.
Option 4: Consult your stuffed penguin. It probly has some phenomenal ideas for coping!
Option 5: (The completely serious answer) Pray. Spending time with God can always help.
Option 6: Go shopping. This probably is not the best option but the most fun!
Option 7: Play the sims. Make some virtual people's lives miserable. It just might be the thing you need! (Actually this might be the most fun...)
And finally; Option 8: Have a cup of joe, relax a while in your favorite chair, and after that...quit your job, give your kids to your sister, and move to Hawaii.
Hope you enjoyed these fool-proof plans for dealing with stress!
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