Sunday, March 17, 2013


So, Ive been thinking a lot recently. ( Not usually a good sign)

As far as happiness goes, people can't just say: "Okay, Im going to be happy now."

They need something to influence their mood. Something interesting and almost guaranteed to bring a good mood or a happy thought or even a smile, however brief a time it may stay.

Which brings me to my next point.

Penguins are important. Wouldnt you agree? I mean, there are other things that can bring a smile to your face. But how effective are those other things compared to penguins? (With the exception of Jesus of course.)

So in light of this new thought of mine, I think I shall bring smiles to your faces using some penguins.



  1. I LOVE PENGUINS!!! I'm going on a two-week long road trip soon, and the main highlight is going to a zoo specifically to see penguins ;)
    And yes, the penguin photos brought a smile to my face.
    Have you seen the anime Mawaru Penguin-drum? It's pretty crazy, but pretty awesome too.

    1. That is awesome!! I would love to do that!! I have not watched any Anime but anything with penguins is probably good. :)

      I'm glad they made you smile. :)
